Actually yes, what you may be experiencing is an excess of adrenalin and you need to tell your doctor about it right away. When we are hyper our bodies also produce adrenalin that makes the thyroid release more hormone. More thyroid hormone, more adrenalin is released.
We get to a point where we experience “Fight or flight” syndrome. We are looking out all the time as if we expect to be attacked by an extinct cave bear, or in modern times having to dodge traffic if you will.
Your doctor may prescribe a mild anti anxiety drug or beta blockers to keep your system on a more even keel until your thyroid levels stop fluctuating like mad.Thank you,
I guess a trip to the ER is in order. I don’t have insurance or a doctor right now so that is where I end up; and have been ending up for the last couple of years. This is going to be a lot of fun, I hope they don’t try to baker act me.
I read people saying they can’t drive because of anxiety, can’t do shopping because of anxiety, malls scare them. Even with tyroid levels in check.
I personally didn’t have this type of anxiety, I had rages directed at loved ones. As long as we understand it’s the thyroid thing, we are not going psycho.
Okay. This is very annoying to me. Lately I have had very bad thoughts. Not of me doing anything to anyone, but of things just happening. When I get in the car to drive the whole time, I have this overwhelming since that I am going to get in an accident. Or when I go to bed at night; I have these continuous feelings that I am not going to wake up. For about two weeks, now I have had panic attacks; having thoughts of dying. Now I don’t have thoughts of suicide, just that one day I will stop existing. And for some reason it is totally freaking me out and consuming my day. I don’t like to have my kids in my car because I’m scared something is going to happen. Does anyone else ever feel paranoid; or completely crazy? Help…What is going on?????
You need a good mesauge.Don’t drink coffe or alcohol.Avoid chocolate and general sugar.Drink some chamomile tea maybe before bed.Try to be graceful as possible.Maybe do meditation as well.
I’m not a psychologist, but this sounds like obsessional thinking, which can definitely be reined in by medication. Go sooner rather than later, because it can make a big difference. Good luck.
I had those kinds of thoughts too. There is a floating bridge in our area and every time I would have to drive over it, I would worry about how would I get both of my small children out of the car if we were to go over the side. At some level I knew that I wasn’t having my normal thought processes. Like Jake said, I was totally in the fight or flight mode and in a constant state of heightened ‘danger’ awareness. It was very exausting. Betablockers helped me in the short term and then having normal levels for awhile brought me back to my normal self.
Okay what am I missing here. I am taking 300mg of PTU, 80mg of Propanolol..Going to try and go to the ER today or tomorrow; have my levels checked. Thanks everyone, I will take all advice into consideration…
Im sorry you are feeling this way. This is how I am a lot of the time. 3 years ago – when my thyroid was as whacked out as it could be, I had terrible anxiety and panic attacks. I was afraid of the silliest thing – weather was my big one. I live in So Cal where we have mild weather, but I was consumed by fear of fog and thunderstorms. I made it through foggy season and monsoonal weather in dire fear. I became OCD – checking the weather report every 10 minutes, looking outside at the sky etc. (almost funny now) I also had every symptom imagineable – and was always worried I was dying. I was afraid to go anywhere "far" for fear of not being by a hospital. 3 Years later- my levels are normal, and Im not afraid of weather anymore (although fog still makes me nervous) However – the fear of soemthing being wrong with me has stayed somewhat. I seem to feel every bit of energy and flutter of my body. I get a chet pain and I think my heart is failing. Headaches – brain tumors, etc etc. I still panick on drives to places – which makes taking my kids on local trips hard for me (but I suffer though it for them) I know medication would help me, but i hate to medicate if I dont need to. I dont want more side effects that make me worry. So I suffer. I long to be normal again. I used to be so carefree and loved to be adventurous. Now my mind has me hostage – and this DAMN thyroid. Just wanted to say I feel your pain.
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God I love this site! Thank you CMoore416. Even though I would rather have something n common with you like a favorite color or something.
It feels good to know that someone somewhere else is freaking out about absolutely nothing.
That is one thing that I have found with this site is the relief that we’re not alone. Before I was told I had graves I would say that I had your everyday worries. Since then I have had fears that something would happen to my children, that I forgot to unplugg my curling iron and the house would burn down, or that I forgot to lock the door and someone would break in during the night. My husband and I just went out of town together (he had a class out of state) and this was the first time in 12 years that we left our kids for more than overnight. Talk about anxiety!!! I knew that I was going to probably have problems so before I even left I asked my doctor to prescribe me some ativan to take when I needed it. I didn’t want something that I would have to be on regularly because I hate taking medication unless I absolutely have to. This definately helped me though. I have never been one to freak out over so many things but since graves I can almost find myself obsessive about some things and it’s frustrating because I know it’s not logical but I can’t help feeling this way. Just remember your not alone and don’t be afraid to talk to a doctor about it becaue there is help. Good luck!
thank you so much for putting this on the page, I just signed up today to be a member. I have been having my husband drive me to work, told him it was to save gas, I don’t want to leave my teenage sons at home to go anywhere, I am afraid something will happen to them. I think about death a lot and what will happen to the kids and grandkid if I am not around and what death is like. Like you I am not depressed or sucidal, I just can’t stop thinking about it. I lay awake at night and worry about every little thing. Glad to find out it is normal behavior and I am not alone here. I thought maybe I was going insane.
I agree this site and it’s members are amazing! Today I responded to a post regarding "sore legs", and spoke about some physical symptoms I’m having
and an Orthopedic surgeon agrees with…Yet..Everytime I walk, I am very much afraid of falling, and have fallend about 4x. I and am much more sensitive to how the floor feels, if there is a pebble or twig on the ground where I am going to step, if it is a smooth, dry surface and if it is on an incline at all. I walk like I’m walking on glass..eggshells & hold on to anything I can to get around..I’m confused as to whether this is due to a true medical problem or am I nuts! I tell myself I’ve walked on the same floors at home ( I have all hardwood floors, no carpeting) but now I fear slipping as I walk. It doesn’t matter if I am in sneakers with rubber souls or barefeet..I walk with the same fear. My body tightens up and will not walk in a parking lot without a shopping cart to hold on to..That’s not the real me! I love to dance, walk on the boardwalk for hours…What is wrong with me?
Now that we’ve had snow & there is some ice to contend with, forget my going anywhere! Ice has a way of finding me…I hate this!You are not alone..I wish I knew if it was due to my thyroid issues, a true medical condition or I have a phobia.
It has changed my life in that I can’t do my job so I’m out on disability. My boyfriend wants to go places and I have to remind him I can’t go because
of my mobility issues. Life sucks this way for sure.Hi yes I have been having feelings like that too. Like something is going to happen to me or the kids. It can also be a sign of depression but mostly like you I think its the thyroid which can result in irrational thoughts
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