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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Hi Everyone,

    First I want to thank everyone that has emailed me. I really don’t know
    where I would be without the support of all the great folks on this BB.
    My trip to Toronto was a hugh disappointment. The doctor I was referred
    to refused to do the surgery. He said that if I had it done I would
    eventually end up losing my sight or even the eye itself. Let me to ya,
    I cryed like a baby in his office! The next day I went for a second
    opinion. This doctor I liked much more. He was very understanding
    and soft spoken. He basically said the same as the previous doctor, but
    he said I could try having the lower lids lifted to help with the
    extreme dryness of the eye, apparently this doctor deals more with
    lid surgeries. Both doctors have discussed my situation and each
    have faxed a letter to the referring optho and the optho that did
    my previous surgeries. It’s a waiting game right now. I have no idea
    what was stated in the faxes. I’m not ready to give up yet though!.
    Out of sheer desperation I called both Optho’s before I left to catch
    my flight back home. It was made perfectly clear to me that doc #1 will
    not do any surgery on my eyes. Doc #2 said that there may be something
    he can do, but he could make no promises and I would have to give it
    a lot of thought before making a decision.

    On a positive note I did get to speak to Lynn several times. Unfortunately
    I wasn’t feeling that great and we didn’t get to meet personally. It was
    so great being able to talk to her though. I love you Lynn!!!

    Well that’s it for now. Hopefully I will hear from the other Optho’s
    in the near future to see where I stand.
    Since returning home I’ve kind of sunk into a bit of a depression
    and that old devil called anxiety is knocking at my door again!
    I’m trying like heck to fight it. Yes JAN like you said, think
    positive :) Tell Jake thanks for the funnies, they brighten
    my day!

    Anyway, I’m longwinded. Love to you all.


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