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  • Andros
    Post count: 29

    Hi, Masadu! What kind of diet are you on? Have you been tested for insulin resistance?

    Sharing my experience with you here; I have found that consistancy is of the utmost importance. If you are exercising, you must make that your life-style so that your Armour can be titrated according to your "consistant" needs.

    I too have had trouble getting my Armour and what I did get I am not sure if it is the old formula or the new one. No matter for I lab consistantly also and if need be, my doc will titrate my Armour as needed either up or down.

    If I can help you, I will. I am new here but I have to tell you there are some really great folks here! Glad you found your way back.

    Lu Anne

    Post count: 3

    So glad to see you are back and up and running again. I was a member back in the early 2000s when first diagnosed with Graves disease and then you had problems with accepting certain email addresses and I could never get back on or re register cause I was already in the system.. just by chance this morning I came by my favorite list and clicked on ngdf and here you are!!!!

    It has been a long 9 years for me and everyday I wish I had never gotten this disease. I constantly deal with weight issues at 5 ft tall where every inch in in my hips and thighs and my top being smaller, nothing looks decent even if I can find clothes to fit my behind….. my hubby however supportive, does not think I try hard enough to lose weight, eat all wrong (even tho he works and doesn’t have a clue what I eat or don’t eat during the day) so it is a constant battle for me. I decided back in May to do a morning excercise bike routine at least 3-5 days a week… 30-60 minutes depending on what my day is like (I do not work but my mother, 77, lives with us and always needs something, and during the school year I have my grandson, just turned 6 mos (I also did this when his 2 yr old brother was a baby).. did some contract accounting work for a couple years and have given that up now. So far I have had NO results…..not an inch, not a pound and that is also eating and watching what I eat… discouraging, YES.. does my dr understand, no. I have had several endocrinologists (some I left, some left clinic I went to) and now see an internist/ and Nurse Practitioner. Still not convinced I have the best care or support. Now I have added WII Fit to my routine as many days as possible………no results there either, YET!

    I am not longer taking synthroid, but switched to natural armour thyroid (2 yrs ago) and noticed an improvement in muscle strength and lost 5 lbs right away. Didn’t keep losing but gave me hope. This past spring, I ended up with hyper symptoms again and dr reduced my dose (to 1 grains from 1 1/2 grains) against my wanting to for fear of gaining again. At least I have been able to maintain better on Armour. Then I read where Armour (pharmaceutical company) reformulated the Armour and was causing many people problems (apparently me too) and so then I switched to another brand I was able to get and so far I seem to be doing ok.cramping so think I need more but waiting a couple more weeks for labs since change was only amonth ago.

    Glad to have the site back. and thanks for listening.

    Post count: 3

    thanks LuAnne

    I am just watcing what I eat and limiting things. I am a really picky eater but have tried to cut out flour, potatos, rice and not a big sweets eater, and not really much on fruits and veggies either but have been eating more salads, fruit but it just doesn’t fill me up or stop me from wanting those carbs. I tend to not eat when I don’t want to eat what I know I shouldn’t so sometimes I think I don’t probably eat enough. I have always been a big Weight Watchers fan but every time I join now I only lose about 5 lbs and never stays off.

    I am 54 and had a total hysterectomy 5 yrs ago and do not take hormones (don’t want added weight gain) and also won’t take antidepressants anymore either. The less that goes in my mouth the less weight gain is what I keep thinking…..not that it really works that way….I went through bioidentical hormone treatments which were a nightmare. According to saliva results (my insulin levels were fine) I needed both progestrone, and estrogen and my cortisol levels were way up.. but it made me feel just horrible and felt like I was crazy so I stopped it. When I thought I had an appt, I got there to find out because the NP talked to me, they cancelled my appt. so I stopped them and never went back. I just actually talked to a different doctor the other day (clinic where I go for minor things) and we got talking about how I hate my body (5′ 185 lbs) and got talking about thyroid. She did research on it and agreed natural was the best way and said she isn’t opposed to making sure you have the right amount so it works right despite the lab results. If a person is not at max feeling, she said she would add more. That made me feel maybe I have hope so I am going to see her for labs in a couple weeks. I need a doctor who listens and not that I don’t tell all my doctors I have had, that I want someone to treat me… not just labs, it never seems to work that way. I am hopeful this will be a new beginning when I go in and see her.

    I have also kept a workout log so that I have proof that I am really doing it as I feel like it. I am mostly consistant at 30 minutes 4 times a week. I have just recently added the WII Fit and since most weight is in my middle, I work mostly on those areas.

    Thanks for writing… and best wishes to you too.

    Post count: 29

    I have found for myself that eliminating "all" simple carbs from my diet which would mostly be things made out of flour and sugar ( I am also gluten intolerant), that I can manage my weight well. I do exercise a lot and we eat nothing that is ready prepared. All our meals are basic fresh ingredients.

    Lots of veggies, small portions of meat, fish or fowl and a couple of servings of fruit per day. No artificial sweeteners or sugar. It’s a very basic diet. And I never binge. It is a life-time diet. I eat lots of rice and lots of potatoes; believe that or not. But, no frills. No gravies, no butter or margerine, limited dairy

    I am also 5’4′. During the throes of my GD and having been on Prednisone for nearly a year, I was 225 lbs.. Aaaaaaaaaaaargh. It was horrible. I am now 149 and very very fit for a 67 year old woman. I do at least 4 miles cardio every day, lift weights 4 mornings a week and am quite active outside of the gym as well.

    It was very very hard to lose all that weight and I promised myself I would never ever put it back on. As I stated before, I am only sharing w/ you what works for me. I am no more special than you are or anybody else. I was just determined and I do have an awesome doctor who was and remains willing to keep me in the euthryoid state by constant monitoring of labs and titration of thyroxine when and if necessary .

    And may I add that no 2 persons respond in the same manner. Try to find out what "really" works for you and stick to it. We are all here to offer you the support you need if you need it.

    Lu Anne

    Post count: 3

    You are certainly an inspiration!!

    I have always been a firm Weight Watchers believer because it is "real" food. There are things I have done for years, i.e., skin off chicken before cooking and breast meat… I am such a picky eater that I tend to eat only foods I like and sometimes it gets old. Not one for the fad diets..I eat way more chicken than I used to as I was always a beef eater. I am not a big fish eater but do eat it sometimes. I still have the WW philosophy that you can eat anything as long as in moderation. I am not sure I could do it as well as you have. I am a carb person but really do limit them.. it is just very hard for me. Living in Alaska fish is plentiful but I do not care for salmon. I do not feel like I have eaten anything…

    Thank you for your support and I will keep you posted…

    Thanks, Mary

    Post count: 29
    masudu wrote:You are certainly an inspiration!!

    I have always been a firm Weight Watchers believer because it is "real" food. There are things I have done for years, i.e., skin off chicken before cooking and breast meat… I am such a picky eater that I tend to eat only foods I like and sometimes it gets old. Not one for the fad diets..I eat way more chicken than I used to as I was always a beef eater. I am not a big fish eater but do eat it sometimes. I still have the WW philosophy that you can eat anything as long as in moderation. I am not sure I could do it as well as you have. I am a carb person but really do limit them.. it is just very hard for me. Living in Alaska fish is plentiful but I do not care for salmon. I do not feel like I have eaten anything…

    Thank you for your support and I will keep you posted…

    Thanks, Mary

    Mary…….we can work on this together plus there is a thread on here the "girls" just started for weight loss. I will leave you with this thought, "Any diet works as long as you stay on it!" And no matter what the diet, calories in and calories expended are the most important thing. So, count those calories.

    Wow, Alaska!! Beautiful and gorgeous country. I have never been but always have wanted to. Lu Anne

    Post count: 398

    Welcome back! It is nice that you found us agian. You have already made some good contacts.

    Post count: 127

    Hi Mary and Welcome!!!

    An idea for you….maybe have this new Dr check your vitamin levels? With Graves being a metabolic disorder, maybe your not absorbing all of your vitamins that your body might need to work right? I know on my bottle of B Complex vitamins it says metabolism support. Just a thought. Hope it helps. Rhonda

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