Hi W,
Firstly, was your wee one not tested 5 days after birth to check for antibodies etc? Was he a big baby? My eldest was 10lb.3oz and at 3 months old weighed 24lbs. By the time he was a year old he was in clothes for a 3 year old. He had a huge appetite from birth. Now he has slowed down and is within a healthy BMI. I know, also that my brother who was a normal weight at birth had a massive appetite and infact still does!
” title=”Very Happy” /> It could be your little one is ready to have a growth spurt or that he is just a big eater. The behaviour – I’m not sure of he maybe is frustrated or is just chancing his arm ( as kids have a tendency to do)? Do you have health visitors over there where you could ask her professional opinion? I know you are scared to ask people or tell them how you are feeling emotionally and I am concerned that perhaps there is a element of PND lurking with you since his birth? On top of all that you are unwell and am sure other things going on in life. I’m not sure how things work over in the states but is there someone who could give you that wee bit extra support.
I remember after my youngest I thought I was going off my head – it was all thyroid related and thankfully my HV and GP recognised that.
I wish you could get your bloods done – its important.Take lots of care – love, hugs and prayers as always.
M xxx
Okay, so I’m not really sure if the title will fit what I’m concerned about. I was diagnosed back in 2004 when I was about 2mths pregnant with my first "living" child. I read up on PTU and its category with the FDA; decided to wait on it. I didn’t take anything until I was about 7mths along. He seems to be okay; thin but okay.
Now, my youngest son will be a year old in June. I opted not to take the PTU at all because of the hassles I went thru with some testing and so forth in my oldest child’s first weeks of life. This time I had a full term healthy baby. The thing is it may just be me, but I am a little worried of a couple of things. He has an insatiable appetite. I mean he eats constantly! Isn’t there a limit? Babies stomach’s are the size of their fist right? What do I do? He actually has a fit if I stop feeding him. The other thing is I have never seen such an aggressive child. He hits his 5yr. old brother, throws toys, and the worst thing is he hits himself. I mean he literally punches himself in the head; if he gets mad- I have to catch him because he tries to slam his head into the floor. He bites me!
I know this may not be the place to ask these questions, but is it something I did physically? Either way does anyone have any advice. I am really not feeling well; I have had several panic attacks in the last 2wks alone, just from trying to deal with my child. I need help! No one around here understands! I had to drive him to a doctor almost 2hrs away from my home; he screamed for like 20 mins. until the point he was choking. I had to pull over and take him out of his car seat and try to console him. But, it was like I took to long so he tried pulling away and kept screaming. I just didn’t know what to do. The next thing I know I crying too. I was praying that someone anyone would see me and stop to help me because I thought I was losing my mind! Three days ago I had to travel for another appt this time with both children. It didn’t go so well. They both were wanting something, I don’t know what…I just couldn’t breathe. I wanted to just get out the car at the light and just walk away. Am I a bad mother?
I don’t have a doctor. I haven’t had my levels checked since the beginning of April. I have to go to the ER to get them checked, but lately I can’t get anyone to watch my children so that I can go. Every time I ask someone to watch them, they ask me if I can go another day? That has stretched it to two more weeks. I am having terrible joint pain! I can’t bend any of my toes beyond my big toe on my left foot. I can’t tell anyone I how I feel emotionally because I don’t want them to think I will harm my children….I would never do that! *sigh* I just feel like giving up….
Kids are challenging anyway – and to deal with GD on top of parenting can definitely be OVERWHELMING at times. It’s hard to take care of others that depend on you for every little thing, when you are feeling so bad yourself. I’m really sorry that you are not getting much help, if any.
It’s normal for kids to go through times when they eat a lot – especially before a growth spurt. I always make sure I push the healthy food even more when this is happening. Right now my 9 year old is eating so much that I know I’ll be buying new shoes for him soon!
Aggression in children is not uncommon either – especially in younger children who can’t communicate with words as well as they want to. Most of the time it’s a phase that seems to last forever, but really doesn’t.
Hopefully, you can get your levels checked soon to know what’s going on there. Until then, hang in there and give your kids lots of love (even when they are driving you crazy).
I would say take him to the dr. Tell him what he is doing. If the dr. gives the baby a clean bill of health and tests for thyroid issues. Children learn how to manipulate at a very young age. That is also normal. They cant communicate like ely said so it’s hard for them but we as parents have to take a deep breathe and teach them how to. If that means you can’t figure out what he wants and you take him along on your hip to everything in the house and say "is that what you want" and he says no, and you ask about everything till you figure out what he wants then thats what you have to do. But once you figure it out then teach him what the word for it is. He wants attention since he isn’t the only child and he senses that you are ill. Don’t think he doesn’t, kids are smart from birth. He knows when you are upset and even when you are hurting and frustrated and that makes them scream even more.
If he is healthy and he’s screaming and carrying on in the room. As long as the room is safe and he is safe to be in it, you might want to say OK time out and put him in his playpen and walk away. Let him scream! It wont hurt him. He might think that you run every time he screams and knows this is great. "I scream, mommy comes a runnin’!" oh heck no, this is not what should be happening. If he is clean,fed and safe then let him fuss for a few minutes. Walk away and say no. Then when he stops walk in and say great job or good boy. When he bites, put him in his play pen. You dont even have to yell. Just say no bad boy, you dont bite that hurts. put him in his playpen and walk away. again as long as he is safe then he can be left there for a few.
When he hits himself, take him and say no that is not what you do. You don’t hurt yourself. Make sure you take him away from what ever he was doing at the time and hold him and say that to him and hug him. Then say you can go back to playing as long as you are a good boy. I know this seems odd to say to a 12month old but teaching them at this young an age might be what he needs. I have 4, and different things work with different kids.You are NORMAL to want to walk away. that screaming nagging crap grates on your nerves whether you have Graves’ disease or not. When a kid wont shut up, you want out. You aren’t a bad parent for feeling that way and any parent that says they never felt that way doesn’t have more than one kid or is lying. lol My oldest is 8 years old than my 2nd and it was heaven with one for that long. ALthough we tried for 2nd one when oldest was 5, i look back and think wow it was heaven having only one. There aren’t 4 different personalities coming at you at once! LOL.
You need to make sure there isn’t something going on with your little one and his thyroid levels. Get them checked asap. My little ones ate and still eat like its going out of style but since he is having behavior issues as well i’d say get his levels checked. Just in case.
Now kids do go through growth spurts so that might it for him. I know my dd4, ate a lot and still does. She was only 6 pounds 12 ounces when she was born and by 2months old she went to the 50 percentile then 75th then she was at 90th percentile for her height and weight and has stayed there. She is almost 5 now and looks like she is should be entering 1st grade. She’s 45 pounds and in a size 6/7. She eats like it’s her job and as a matter of fact my little drama queen didn’t stop her fussing or whining unless she had food in her mouth. Oh my Lord what a pain she was and still is. I love her with all my heart but I also know she is high maintenance.NAP time is key for a baby. Get a schedule for the baby and nap time and your life will be so much easier. My kids nap at about 1pm depending. DD4 still must take a nap(i make it mandatory) and she naps for an hour. she wakes herself so an hour is usually what she’ll go for. Then dd2 (will be 3 soon) naps for 2- 2 1/2 hours, i let her wake up on her own as well. If she doesn’t get to nap till after 3pm though , i only let her go about an hour and half. Because their bedtime is about 7:30pm the latest is about 8:15pm to actually be sleeping. I try hard to keep that schedule and yes I work around their schedule. I wont drag them somewhere knowing their nap will be soon. I know it’s hard but we can’t expect them to be good if they are tired or hungry or both.
I go shopping before 12pm and schedule my appt’s and their appt’s in the morning or evening only.I know it is so hard to do but once you try it and get use to it, it does help a lot. You really need to find a way to pay to see a dr., is there someone who can lend you the money for an office visit? Again going to a clinic or the hospital and saying you are a charity case might help out in them making you pay less since you dont have ins.
Maybe call up a few Endo’s offices and get how much you would have to pay out of pocket with no ins. and see which one is cheaper. Some are $100 some are $450 and more it really depends and it depends on how thorough they are and what kind of visit they give you. Tell them your situation about having no ins. and see what they say. After knowing that then you might be able to ask someone to lend you the money for the visit.Also don’t forget to get your youngest in to see dr. and get his thyroid tested. ((((((((((((buttamama))))))))))))))))))))
Here is a bit of info. If your child was tested for Graves disease after birth, that doesn’t mean that he is out of the woods. Babies can sometimes test normal at birth and then about three weeks or later test positive for Graves. So the question now is this, have you had him tested? Mind you another thing is that alot of people do go into pregnancy with Graves and actually can go into what is a type of will you say remission, so you may have never needed the PTU anyway, who knows, but now being of your meds during that time has I’m sure made it really hard to leave out. Has your levels been checked? I am like alot of other people on here, your not a bad mom, your streched to your limits and sometimes enough is enough. Sounds like you need a hand, I’d be calling on my friends to help me, or husband or someone. You are indeed in need of a brake!
Hope you get threw this all very soon.
ValarieKeep in mind that your baby’s behaviour might not have anything to do with Graves. Have you talked to his pediatrician about what he’s doing? If it seems like it’s more than a "stage", you should mention it to the doctor. Best of luck.
Thanks to everyone for your advice. I will definitely take it all in stride. He will be a year old on the 14th of June so I will definitely reiterate my concerns. I told them of his hitting and they said they’ve seen it just not in children as young.
I asked to have him checked but they didn’t feel the need. I will stop asking and demand it, just for my own piece of mind and to have a sort of base line.I went to the ER last Sunday and the doctor told me that my levels were "normal". That coming from her without seeing the numbers myself weren’t all that reassuring, but I plan on going and getting a copy of everything next week. Here where I live there are only two Endos. Both I have seen in the past, and I just don’t have the money or anyone to ask. I have not given up, I am now looking out of town for a doctor.
I know I need a break but there just isn’t anyone who can help me. I have a lot of family issues (a lot- you wouldn’t believe me if I told you). I could even go a step further and say there is no one else I trust to give me a break. I will get through this- I am a mother, I have no choice. Once again, thank you all!!!!
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