My life has been an absolute roller coaster since my TT in 2013. I seemed to only have started finally feeling well after going to Naturopaths, being on Armour plus Cytomel, also elimination of gluten, dairy, soy protein, and peanuts from my diet.
I sadly don’t trust endocrinologists anymore. One said I was diabetic, put it in my chart that I was one, then 6mo later said I wasn’t and now I have this diagnosis following me around. My very last one switched me off Armour back to Synthroid, did the dosing conversion wrong, ended up with my TSH at 17 after a little over a month and was only tested because I felt so ill and was ready to go to the hospital.
So, upon going to Naturopaths I am now aware I have a T3 conversion problem, and also Adrenal Fatigue. I’ve been found I have high glycine, which we’re looking into, and signs are pointing to possible Lyme or Bartonella.
I’m making a huge move sometime this year from Buffalo, NY to Marietta, GA. I’m wondering if there’s anyone here who has had any experiences with any Naturopaths who assist with autoimmune/thyroid issues, as well as other diseases in the area. I think I have found one that looks promising in Alpharetta but I am weary. As I went to a few endocrinologists that were recommended here because they prescribed Armour, which helps, but wouldn’t dig deeper for help when I would still fall ill and feel “off.”
I really need to be more active on here!!
Hello – We recommend MDs (preferably endocrinologists) on this site. You can use the “Looking for a Doctor?” thread to find specialists in the area that you will be moving to. If you don’t feel that a particular endo isn’t taking your quality of life issues seriously, don’t hesitate to get a second (or third or fourth) opinion. You deserve to get some answers!
If you aren’t able to find an endo in your area, you might consider searching in your area for “Integrative MD”. These are doctors who use conventional medical therapy, but also who are willing to use alternative approaches if they have scientific validity.
Take care – and keep us posted!
I went to Emory in Atlanta for orbital radiation. They have great doctors there, some of the best in the nation. Couple of thoughts. It is always important to have all of the thyroid removed during thyroidectomy. Best done by a surgeon who does a lot of thyroid cancer where it is vital to get it all. Maybe you have remnants interfering. I had my thyroidectomy 25 months ago. I feel great. I am managed by a nurse practitioner but had an endo for a bit and found it not necessary, nurse does just fine. I just read a study indicating that moderate weight loss can negatively affect t4 to T3 conversion in peripheral tissues. Did you lose weight when you cut out gluten, etc? Sometimes when you eliminate foods, you end up with deficiencies. I think alternative medicine has its place. For example, I have found acupuncture to work for a variety of stress related ailments, but there is no replacing scientific method and research. You should have no trouble finding expert clinical medical help in Atlanta. My adult kids live in Roswell and I envy their health facilities and physicians.
Gosh, I am sorry you do not feel well now. You have done a lot of things, so it is difficult for any doctor to figure out why you feel the way you do.
Re the diagnosis of diabetes you mentioned, are you sure this diagnosis is following you around? I ask this, because you really need to understand why this was said. If your blood sugars are CONSISTENTLY high, I encourage you to go to check this out. There are all levels of diabetes. I hate to have you ignore this. Please discuss this with the next end or MD you find. Or, perhaps you had a high blood sugar the day you saw that doc, then subsequently changed your diet (which is what diabetics do) and now your blood sugars are normal!
If you look at the definition of adrenal fatigue, you will find that this was a term developed in the 1980’s by a chiropractor. This is not an accepted term or diagnosis. I encourage you to go to an internal medicine doc after you move, or before, to get this clarified. There is a condition called Addisions disease, which is a whole different differential diagnosis. There are also proven diagnostic tests for Lyme and Bartonella.
For your interest:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adrenal_fatigueSeems like you have been sidetracked by a lot of different diagnoses.
I encourage you to find an internal medicine doc or endocrinologist. It is quite a global statement to say that you don’t trust them anymore.
You deserve to have answers to your concerns, but you also need to provide a good history as a beginning. If you are not happy with the first doctor you select, get a 2nd opinion. You are in the Atlanta area, and there is a fine medical community there. I suggest Emory University.
Also, before you move, get either hard or electronic copies of your medical history to provide for your personal file, and the new docs you go to. They will ask for this information when you go as a new patient.
Re the comment of Liz re TT (yours) and TT that Liz had. Get a copy of the operative report and the path report. Most likely you had a TOTAL thyroidectomy, cause that is all they do now.Historically, a long time ago, surgeons used to leave a small amount of thyroid hormone, but for the past many decades, a total thyroidectomy is done. This has been the standard of practice for many years.
Alternative medicine definitely has its place, along with acupuncture. But an MD, preferably an endocrinologist, until you are stable, is the path I suggest you chose with your move. Each has a totally different education pathway, and none equate with each other. Some roles can complement each other.
Alternative medicine definitely has its place, along with acupuncture. But encourage you to find an MD at Emory University.
I’m actually doing fantastically well since I started going to the Naturopath. What I’m afraid of is getting sick again going to a new doctor after I move if they change my medicines and supements completely around.
I did notice that, with speaking with multiple NDs in Atlanta, they have MDs in the office as well!
Yes I lost weight after my diet switch but we’re constantly checking my vitamins and hormone levels. I already had vitamin deficiencies and was already taking supements.
My endocrinologist who said I was diabetic didn’t believe my ups and downs and that i had anxiety. Only checked TSH and at a level of .40 said i was fine, when it was still dropping from there, and just told me I was diabetic. Put it in my chart and had me checking my blood sugar all day for months. My blood sugar was consistently checked and always normal and the blood tests always came back normal. I eat better than ever actually and have eliminated almost all processed foods.
My ND is a licensed midwife. she can write my scripts. She has special labs she works with and has studied how they work and what they test for diagnosis to determine the best ones for her patients. I have done my own extensive research on the subjects. I’m not here to argue about diagnosis and what’s right. People and some doctors also don’t believe in Lyme disease, Fibromyalgia, or chronic fatigue syndrome. Endocrinologists around here also don’t “believe” that testing anything other than TSH will do any good when it has been proven I don’t convert T3 like I should. For some people and standard treatment this is probably fine but I’m definitely not a standard case.
I’ve called a lot of endocrinologists who are not accepting new patients, out of practice, or want to put me back on synthroid and it must say something if I don’t have T3 I’ll have serious pain when put on synthroid… so I gave up. And now with the treatment I’m getting I’m feeling better than ever! I was NEVER stable with endocrinologists. I was in and out of work for 2 years, out the majority of the time.
I think integrative medicine is what I was looking for. I know many NDs are specific to diet, acupuncture or chiropractic but that’s not what I’m looking for. I wanted one who has good references and also assists with these additional things and well studied. They are few and far between. I know Bartonella is extremely hard to diagnose and Lyme can be as well, but based off my upbringing, where I lived, it’s all very possible too.
Yes it was a TT, nothing left behind. I’ve had issues alnost immediately after surgery. I have ALL my reports because I’m fighting with Long Term Disability still! Almost 3 years later. I’ve never done well on synthroid. I’ve been hopeful every time I was on it and every time they upped dosing but the pain would just get worse and worse.
So it’s still a journey! I need doctors to work together because for me it obviously wasn’t just thyroid but that’s what was jumped on. It was a major part though i still wonder if my TT was completely necessary. More time was on treatment of lab numbers than actual diagnosis and how I was feeling. I really thought my TT would make me all better and I was worse than ever right after and for a long time only up until about 6 mo ago!
I did notice a lot of places are in Alpharetta. I’ll definitely research Emory as well!
Thanks for all the info and responses!
Proud of you! You have done a ton of work to take care of yourself. seems you are doing well with your N.D, keep it up. All of it!
I totally agree with you about doctors working together. My experience is that they don’t! said the cynic!
I see an Integrative doctor in Marietta, GA; was not sure if I should submit her name; out of pocket costs; I get reimbursed through our health insurance 100 percent after meeting the deductible. With having family there in Roswell and Johns Creek it helps and this was my third visit and gotten to know the area a bit. My endocrinologists told me once I had RAI and they got my thyroid levels where they thought I should be, even though I was still symptomatic, to work with a regular MD to treat my resulting hypothyroidism; I had my gland entirely destroyed in 2012; some I know of past only had partial. It has been some journey for me also; not working yet; yet I can say my energy levels are coming up and I think I may be getting closer to the finish line; unfortunately T4 alone didn’t work well for me; that is okay as it works for some and some not. To me it is finding a doctor who willl work with you and listen too and if that had been an endocrinologist I would have stayed with one. My only issue still is the weight gain yet if I can have consistent energy throughout the day that is so very important to me and in time I know with becoming optimal the weight will come off with good diet and exercise. Well good luck with finding a good doctor in the Atlanta area!
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