Apology accepted, and yes I do have some plumbing work that need attention ! What do you charge an hour ? ( LOL )
Hope your tomorrow is brighter
SheilaI was diagnosed with Graves in November and now believe that I may be exhibiting signs of Graves Eye Disease – one eye feels “heavy” and there appears to be a swelling underneath the eye. It looks like a little fat pillow has settled under that eye. I began noticing this a few weeks ago. Has anyone else experienced these symptoms? When I told my endo about my concerns she told me that I just had generally puffy eyes. Raising the bed and putting a cold compress on the eye has not alleviated these symptoms. The opthamologist I saw in January told me my exam was negative. Obviously I need to be evaluated again, but am unsure about this opthamologist’s experience in this area – does anyone know of any TED experts in the Northern Virginia or D.C. area? Thanks in advance for any replies.
My symtoms sound like a mirror of yours. I started with just the feelings you are describing. After several months, however, my eyes started to swell under the eyebrow and my vision became double when I wake up or lie down. My endocrinologist also discounted the eye complaints. I found another endocrinologist who strongly recommended that I see someone who specializes in TED. His name is Dr. Kazim from Columbia-Presbyterian Hospital in Manhattan, NY. He is an opthomalogist who specializes only in TED. If you’d like further info on him, e-mail me. Good luck!!
Can anyone tell me whether eye involvment gets worse within the 18-24 month period when the disease is ‘hot’? If you only have swelling or only have double vision within the first six months, does it stabilize or is the norm to have the symptoms worsen? Thanks in advance.
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