I hear all this talk about how bad ptu taste but I havn’t noticed at all. It almost makes me think I am on the wrong medication! haha.
I always put water in my mouth first, and quickly swallow the pill… but since I was curious if it tasted bad, I actually licked one and didn’t notice anything too bad.
Anyone else experience this?
My tastebuds are completely normal too!
I read that there can be genetic taste bud differences, actually. It made no difference to me whether or not there was water in my mouth prior to trying to swallow the PTU. It stilled tasted awful. Milk dulled it a bit, but not water. And some folks enjoy the taste of lemons, straight, while I cannot avoid the "pucker" look when I try it
” title=”Confused” /> . I read that scientists had found a slight genetic variation for those of us with these slight differences in the ability to taste things considered bitter.
I think you should just consider yourself very, very lucky. PTU tastes absolutely dreadful, if your bitter gene is hard wired.
Nope … it was really, really awful tasting for me … so bad it left a lingering aftertaste … I went through a LOT of scope
PTU was nasty! I begged the dr. to give me something else. he laughed at me and said nope there isn’t anything else… I said well the drug company stinks(<—not the word i really used
” title=”Wink” /> ) and that they are out to get us because they don’t coat the pill.
The nurse said there was a coating on the pill …..oh i think she lied!!!! That pill is nasty and if i never have to take another one again it would be too soon!! LOL
My dh use to laugh at the faces I would make so I guess it was entertaining for some people without the disease!
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