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  • Bella1
    Post count: 23

    My dr’s office said my labs came back showing low globulin, but that he ran some protein tests on the sample and it was fine. Does anyone know what this means?


    I should have included that this was a liver function test.

    Post count: 4294

    Hello – I would suggest pressing your doctor’s office for more info on why this test was run and whether he plans to make any changes in your treatment based on the results. The test recommended by the American Thyroid Association and American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists to check for liver function is “a liver profile including bilirubin and transaminases.”

    Post count: 1909

    Hi Bella, yes, it is likely that your doc and Kimberly are saying the same thing.
    It does sound like he ordered, and you received LFT’s or liver function tests, as you have stated. Globulin is only one element of these tests. LFT’s are the same as a liver profile.
    Just call your doc, ask the reason for the tests (sounds like he is doing the appropriate stuff according to the guidelines,a nd what he knows, when a person is taking ATD’s. And it sounds like he is a good doc, to follow up with a phone call that all is well, you just need to have a full understanding from him/her of this.

    Post count: 23

    Kimberly and SNelson

    Thank you both. I was just wondering what this meant. When I asked the office they told me not to worrry, that everything was fine.

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