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  • Sneagle02
    Post count: 9

    With thanks to Sporcle for reminding me of the word. I’ve noticed that I will be listening to the radio and will take a moment to figure out what they are talking about when I do this. The example in my subject line is one- someone will say “did you hear about” and I hear “did you here about” and then have to figure out what they mean. Not the best example, but if you have had it happen, you will know what i mean. Not sure if this is a Grave’s symptom related to the brain fog or what, but it is related to the timing of the diagnosis.


    Post count: 4294

    Hello – I haven’t heard of that specific issue being associated with Graves’, but I have heard stories from patients who would have difficulty coming up with a specific everyday word like “oven” or “bathtub”. It will be interesting to see if you get some other responses!

    Post count: 4294

    From Raspberry (posted on another thread):

    Hi Linda, I’m trying to respond to your homophone post but I keep getting rerouted to a web page that won’t let me reply! So I reply here. Yes, this happens to me but in a different form. Often when I am writing I’ll write a homophone word. Like I might have written right instead of write. That is a mistake I just didn’t tend to make before GD. Two years plus in and I still do it some and have to proofread my stuff more carefully than I used to. I’ll have to pay attention to see if this is happening for me in listening to others!

    I’m sorry you are having a rough time too. This disease is a rough gig – partly because it seems so hard for others to understand its impact and maybe even for us to explain it. Take care and hugs.

    Post count: 11

    I have been having trouble lately with in my head hearing myself say one word but my family saying I said something different! Or I repeat a question but think I only asked it once! this is very frustrating because I really don’t hear myself say the wrong word so I argue with the person :) Anyone else have this trouble? It can make you feel like you’re going crazy!

    Post count: 68

    hi missygail,i had that particular problem while i had chemo for breastcancer.used wrong words forgot words ect ect.its been almost 5 years and im much better,still do it occasionally when im tired.

    Post count: 11

    I have noticed I tend to do it more if I am tired or feeling like I have too much to do. My husband says I need to slow down but telling someone with Graves to slow down is like telling the sun not to shine! LOL

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