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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Hi Lisa,

    Wondering the same myself. I had my thyroid removed in Jan. They put me on sun .75 and 4 weeks post op TSH was 1.12, then increased at my request to .88 — well, 4 weeks later down to .63 and heading for hyper so back to .75 – three weeks later at 2.08. In the last few days my calf muscles of my legs are aching like crazy. What’s to do here? I wonder if it’s time to try something else or if in both our cases we have some part of our thyroid still working that is messing up stability.

    Post count: 93172

    Hi Lisa,

    As a suggestion, discuss this with your doctor but maybe he can try alternating doses of the synthroid. I go up and down with the synthroid and what seems to work with my body is an odd dosage that synthroid doesn’t make in tablet form. I actually need a dose in between .175 and .200mg that seems to now be working. It has been about 7 years post RAI for me and I still need fine tuning every now and then.

    Hope you feel better soon.


    Post count: 93172

    Lisa, there is a .137 dose available, but as I recall, Synthroid didn’t make one. I had to switch to Levothyroid, and there was no problem in changing brands, in my case. An alternative some doctors use is to prescribe .125 and .150 for alternating days.

    Sharon, the alternating method is one that might work in your case (.75 one day and .88 the next).

    Dianne W
    Asst. Online Facilitator, NGDF

    Post count: 93172

    I have a question…When I am prescribed .125 Synthroid I go hypo, so my doctor ups it to .150 (the next step up) and I go hyper. What is a compromise here? Does these mean I need to be on the lower dose with a bit of T3? We’ve gone back and forth a few times on the two dosages and the same thing happens. April 2nd will be year since I had RAI and I’ve only had one blood test where my TSH was normal (1.6). I’m hyper now, but the only symptoms I really have are hand tremors and a bit of the grouchies. Of course, I couldn’t be blessed with the weight-loss symptom . Anyway, has anyone else been back and forth like this??
    Lisa R

    Post count: 93172

    All the time, Lisa. All the time. Some of us are just blessed with fun blood work/results. They had me giving the blood every two weeks, for about three years of my life. Then, tra-daaaaa! Once every 6 months. Wow. Now, Next YEAR???

    It’s a wonder we keep anything at all together! It’s a wonder we get ANYTHING ACCOMPLISHED! It’s a wonder we even get out of bed!!! (And, some of us don’t, sometimes, for quit a while.) Then again, there are those on the other swing….staying up is NO PROBLEM. Or, my family loved to say I was “extremely committed” or “totally focused”….RIGHT!
    That was shorthand for “she’s going about 10 times the normal brain activity”, or “break out the tranquilizers, doc! this girl’s on fire”!

    I do miss the lost aspect of “you look emaciated” when compared to “put on a little extra weight these days?”. It was SO much easier, when I was less than 40. Take care!

    Post count: 93172

    Hi Lisa,
    I was on .125mcg about 3weeks ago and needed an increase. My endo put me on .137mcg of Levoxyl because Synthroid doesn’t come in .137mcg dosage. You might ask your endo. I feel good with the change where I was a little concerned with changing doses and medication at the same time.

    Good Luck.

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