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  • vanillasky
      Post count: 339

      Between Graves’ and menopause, I suffer each summer from the sun and the heat. When it gets to be about 80 degrees, I start to get so hot I could faint. Aside from staying in the house with the air conditioning cranked full blast, anything I could do while outside? I can’t stay for long without having some sort of sweating, nausea and heart palpitations.

      I try to bring bottled water but it gets so hot, the water gets warm. I even freeze my water but it melts. I can’t do much. Love to go to the Zoo but I haven’t been in about 2 years now because of this..

      I wear t-shirts, light weight and I was thinking about buying an umbrela even though it would look weird considering it’s not raining but any ideas would be appreciated


      Online Facilitator
        Post count: 4294

        Hi Karen – I have no problem going outside with an umbrella on a super sunny day…but folks in AZ are so aware of skin cancer issues, this doesn’t get too many weird looks!

        You might google “Frogg Toggs” – they make a cloth that I use for tennis and for sitting outside at sporting events. You soak it in water, and it stays cool. It generally doesn’t drip, but I keep it in a gallon-sized baggie, just in case. I picked mine up at a tennis shop, but any type of sporting goods store would probably have them (or a similar product).

        Hopefully, you will get some other suggestions here as well!

          Post count: 231

          Hi, Karen–

          A good friend was having problems with overheating due to being on Prednisone, so I got her a neck wrap, it is probably the same thing Kimberly was talking about. I found it in the sporting goods section of Walmart. You soak it in cold water and it has little beads inside that absorb the cold water and you then tie it around your neck. My friend really liked it.

          Also you can get little fans that have spray bottles of water attached that you carry with you and mist yourself to stay cool. I think anything to do with water helps cool people off.

          Last summer I was at a college football game and overdressed and thought I was going to pass out in the stands. I ended up going to the ladies bathroom and soaking my head with water from the sink. I have short hair and no fancy style so it didn’t ruin my “look”. :D I also bring cold water to drink everywhere I go. If you sweat a lot, it’s easy to get dehydrated.

          Hope this helps!


            Post count: 339

            Thanks Kimberly and Amy! I will definitely look into these options. Today it was 52 degrees here and right away, people think it’s summer. the sun was hot and I was already getting very uncomfortable in the car. Had to drive with the windows down. I wonder why I’ve already had 2 upper respiratory infections this season? LOL!

            I just try to take it a day at a time. I was thinking of getting a white umbrella. I think it would be cool. (no pun intended!)

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