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  • jaqeinquotation
    Post count: 131

    I’ve been icing them but that only seems to relieve the pressure. I doubt that teabags would work this point. A friend suggested preparationH towelettes with ice, another recommended green tea…etc

    Any ideas???

    Post count: 37

    Do you have bags under your eyes from RAI treatment?

    Post count: 4294

    Hello – Unfortunately, I haven’t heard of any great treatment options for swelling due to TED. However, once the “cold” phase of TED is reached, there *are* surgical options that can restore your appearance to where it was before. Unfortunately, like much of the TED process, getting to that point requires a lot of time and patience.

    Post count: 131

    No mariaboo, no treatment yet…just swelling under the eyebrows (not the eyelids) and bags under my eyes

    Post count: 13

    Good morning.
    I woke up one morning and looked like the Pillsbury Doughboy – All puffed up. That was my first day of Hypo about one month post RAI. That has been over 1 year and I have tried everything for the puffy under eyes. At the beginning they were puffed up so badly that they felt like water balloons filled to the point of bursting!!!

    Seriously, ice is the best thing. I have tried the massage to help empty the area of fluid, tea bags, different types of facial creams, raised head at night etc. Ice is the best BUT I have come to realize that my tear ducts are plugged. Whenever I tear up I get no run-off into my nose as the ductwork is supposed to work. I can’t help but wonder if this is contributing to the puffyness. I have an appointment with my ophth in a month and I plan to see if he will dilate the tear duct. It is a simple procedure. I used to work in the OR and we did it regularly on very small children. The docs told me then that one dilation and the ducts stayed open. Hope that also works on adults.

    Good luck

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