Reading through these posts reminded me of returning to school for my post-masters (online) last fall. I had RAI 1 week after classes started and was hypo by midterm. I had that surge of thyroid hormone right about the first and second exam. I teach, so I have counseled many of my own students on test anxiety. I could not believe it was happening to me. I would try to read the question – and the words seemed to just dance around the page. None of the answers made sense. I honestly thought I would have to drop out until I was regulated. But – after I started replacement hormone at midterms, my grades started to turn around. I emailed my instructor (a nurse practitioner) and told her my test scores and my TSH were definately related to one another!!! What a lesson in the joy of too much adrenaline!!!
Wow. I hope I can go back this semester without dropping out. I really need to attend college this fall and spring.
Anyway, so today during one of two of my anxiety/panic attacks I was searching the web. I typed in cognitive ways to help subside/reduce anxiety and panic. I came across some interesting videos. I am going to post some links at the end of this post.
I thought this was a very clever idea….CALMING KIT… What you do is make a little kit that fits YOU. What makes you calm, smile, happy and it can be anything. Scripts, picture, memories,A drawing, blank journal, or journal of quotes. Put it together and when you are feeling anxious or panicky start looking through or reading to help divert your mood and mind. Im not sure what im going to put into mine but it will probably be pictures, quotes, scriptures or some sort of reality check. LOL. I thought I would share this with you all.
PS. For those who are doing this share your Kit with us if you would like
” title=”Smile” />
http://www.ehow.com/how_5027553_deal-panic-anx … iving.html
http://www.ehow.com/videos-on_4030_alleviate-p … tacks.html
If you have trouble by clicking on them just past them into your URL tool bar. Hope these hit home with someone
” title=”Wink” />
has anyone had a chance to Check out the links above!
This is a great idea, Thanx!
I had what I thought was a heart attack a few weeks ago. What do you guys think happened when I followed up with my PCP? NOTHING. She said my chest pain was almost certainly caused by anxiety. I wasn’t even referred to a cardiologist. ??? I still don’t understand.
My history: I am 52 years old. Divorced. I have two children, five grandchildren, and one great grandchild. I have multiple health issues, not just Graves’.
My mother died in late April, I’m still selling everything off. This is my brother’s house, and he asked me to stay here. Another brother thought he could move in and stay here rent-free. This has resulted in a lot of fighting over who gets what and who has rights. Some sibs are no longer speaking to me.
I guess that would give a lot of people stress, huh? Reading over this, I’ve answered my own question! What a dope. Of course I have anxiety!!!” title=”Confused” />
I guess the question is; How to deal?The best I can come up with is; let God take care of it.
” title=”Cool” /> I’m no one to judge, only He can! I’ll let him take care of me, too.
” title=”Very Happy” />
Before I was first diagnosed with Graves I too had what I thought might be a heart attack or related chest pain. I ended up in the hospital emergency room one weekend. After finding nothing and a fiasco with the doctor never really coming to see me…….. I was sent home. I found out later after going to get my hospital records for my own peace of mind that they had ordered a TSH and it was never done. Several weeks later I went to my GP and was so sick. He sent me to a cardiologist just to check and also started blood work on lots of things including thyroid. When I went to the cardiologist he told me after testing me with EKG and treadmill with ultrasound test that my heart wasn’t the issue from what he could see. So I asked him if the pounding would stop and he looked at me funny and said " have you had your thryoid levels tested?" I said yes but they haven’t come back from the GP. He tried to call and see if the tests were back but wasn’t able to connect that day with my GP. I did write him a thank you note after I was diagnosed with the Graves and told him he was right. The chest pain and the palpitations were from the high levels of thyroid hormone in my system. The pain did go away when I finally got settled, or so I thought, with medication. It did come back when I was out of remission and now that I am recovering from RAI, about 10 weeks ago now, I have had a few twinges. I think that it will finally be gone when my levels settle back down. I wouldn’t let them tell you it’s just anxiety. I wanted to make sure my heart wasn’t the problem.From what I hear anxiety can cause chest pains etc. that might be nothing but then again anxiety can change chemistry in your body and you don’t want damage to occur.
Good luck with figuring it all out. It is hard to have more than one thing happening at a time.
I logged on today to see if anyone has had a problem with anxiety / depression / mode swings while being on Methimezol. My wife has been diagnosed with Graves for a year and a half and on this drug (half of the lowest doze) for over a year. My wife does not want Graves to effect her life. She has told me that she believes our bad marriage, me, caused her to get Graves. I don’t believe this because there are thyroid issues on her side of the family and that isn’t the way the disease works. My stance is that the Graves and the anxiety/panic it brings created a lot of stress in our marriage. She served me with divorce papers in March but I have so far been able to keep her from filing with the court. Who knows maybe I’ll be served tomorrow. I feel I have played all my cards so to speak to try to improve things. There is still a lot of stress but no smoking gun if you will. I told her last week that I understand that she can have a good day followed by a horrible day and that her mode can swing on a dime. Her response to that was that only happens before you get on medication. Could have fooled me. So back to my original question could this behavior be connected to the Methimezol? When I read something about Graves or mention anything about this site she gets very mad. She says I am just trying to figure out what is wrong with her and why does there always have to be something wrong with her. I’m just trying to understand. Oh yeah, I read Claire Weekes book as well and loved it, my wife would have nothing to do with it, wouldn’t even read the cover.Thanks,
KamIf her levels aren’t controlled well with the methimazole, it could definitely lead to constant imbalances. I don’t know whether it could be directly attributed to the actual chemical substance of the medication, but I do know that a patient with antibodies that are very active could have a tough time being successfully managed with methimazole. It’s obviously impossible for you to step between her and her doctor to find out how that process is going, especially in the state your relationship is in, so I’m not sure you will be able to get confirmation, or relief, from knowing this. I know a lot of Graves’ patients who have finally come out the other side to health and found themselves utterly horrified at the way they behaved before they were truly well. The symptoms can be so subtle, we just think we’re either (a) crazy, (b) an entirely new person, or (c) always been this way and finally "revealed." Until you get to the other side, it’s tough to see that it’s chemical, and that the genesis of this behavior and attitude is not IN you.
Certainly, the journey to getting Graves’ involves some hereditary connection, but since the actual trigger is not understood yet, she can get away with saying just about anything with regard to how this disease began for her. Arguing that point is probably not going to get you anywhere. You can believe what you believe, she can believe what she believes, and neither can prove anything.
So I wish you luck, but I’m not sure how far you can go to help HER understand this. Try doing something really sentimental and sweet, see if that breaks through the wall. Let us know how it’s going, I’m so sorry you’re in this position.
I’m 53 and have just been diagnosed with Grave’s. I’ve suffered from anxiety all my life. Will it get worse from GD? (Please say no!)
” title=”Smile” />
HI Tuxedo,
I am sure you will get different answers to this question you pose. For me unfortunately my anxiety did get worse but that was in correlation to my levels. What did help me was my history of anxiety and knowing how to deal with it or recognise that somedays were safer at home to prevent major panic attacks thus resulting in low confidence. Have you read Dr Claire Weekes Self help for your nerves?
I am now going to contact the above author and ask for some commission lol!
However, I am so glad it is helping others as it was a life saver for me and her methods stay with you years after you have read it.
I hope you are feeling better.
First of all, there’s NO history in my family, and I got Graves’. My doctor says there is no rhyme or reason for it.
It sounds as if your wife is going through the stages of grief, currently in denial? Her life will never be the same, and deep down, she knows it.
The disease itself can cause emotional problems, especially if levels are not where they should be. Perhaps you can accompany her to see her doctor, don’t take "no" for an answer!
I hope that you are able to keep her out of court before she does something she regrets. Please let us know how you are doing. We care.oh what a bad week. my anxiety/panic/emotions are hay wire. I am missing out on my bfs sisters bach party and all the bon fires etc. i have had headaches off and on. i feel you could tell me i won a million dollars and my response would be `oh cool` lol. I just want MEEE BACK. My levels are not due to be drawn till end of july. I dont know how to handle the emotional part much longer.Am i alone with these feelings. who else deals with this daily or close to it.
I was going through the same thing the last two weeks. I just passed the 10 week mark from my RAI and this morning I feel better and worse. My BP and pulse are way down. I am showing symptoms of hypo though and that’s been tough. I have puffy ankles, am constipated, my hair is really dry and my nose keeps bleeding from being so dry. I have very sore muscles and joints. I am also putting on a little weight. I have blood drawn on Tuesday so here’s hoping. I would call your provider and ask if you can come in for a blood draw. It would probably make you feel better to know your numbers. I’ve heard of people getting it drawn every week as they are getting close to going hypo so they can catch it.I don’t know what the headaches are from but I am getting them too. I wonder if the hormones that give you a pre period headache in my case are causing them to come.
Keep hanging in there. I know it stinks to feel so bad after all we’ve been through. I am hoping that by my 46th birthday in a few weeks that I will be on the other side of this.
Remember to be kind to yourself.
Hi girls,
I’m having headaches also, pretty constant and won’t go away with tylenol/ibuprofen. That has caused some anxiety again. I keep thinking, what are they from and why won;t they go away? My levels are "normal" now with low dose of ATD. My endo says I should continue to see improvments and i guess I do, but the headaches are really getting to me.
I keep thinking – tomorrow will be better and, eventually it will, right?
I sure hope so. All this is getting to be much to handle. I go days feeeling like okay, I have reached the light and then other days I feel as if the light is miles to go:( I am over it all, lol. We have to keep strong but when does strength run out? I guess when we let it, and we can’t. We have come too far to let this get us down so close to being on the other side. Im not too sure what side I like but the middle is definitely not it (LOL)
I have a lawyer fighting my short term disability case right now, im hoping to get approved sooner than later so I can take advantage of the health insurance for anxiety/panic cognitive therapy. I refuse MEDS any type that I don’t need to stay alive. I can’t deal with the addiction, adverse affects or the dependency to survive on a daily basis. I guess if its my last very last option ill obviously take part but if not absolutely needed then I wont.
I don’t know, I think the worst thing for me is the emotional side of everything. I mean I am happy, sad, irritated, manic, panic, anxiety, fatigued, detached,hyper, and the list continues to contradict itself. Ugh, its so frustrating to live with myself I can only imagine how my Mom, Sister, and Boyfriend feel. I thank them in my prayers because I would be lost without them even know they get the worst end of me right now. You know that quote. "If they can’t handle me at my worst they don’t deserve me at my best" I can now relate to it. ha ha.
O-well another day in the life of Graves. Stay Strong everyone we have each other to help if anything or one fails. I Just want to be better thats all I ask. I don’t want to confined to my house cause i am too anxious, or depressed. Life is too short to feel this way.
Ps. Im having anxiety/panic over my slow HR. First, it was because it was too fast now im like is my heart going to stop am I okay. Im having puffy eyes, headaches, not sure about BP, its normal when I go in for blood work, umm my lips get white when im chilly, but they turn pink when i warm up again. Then just the emotional swings. I saw just so easily, lol but you all know what I mean. I don’t know. SKI, and whomever else, whats your thoughts, stories,feelings, advice, etc?
KrystalHope you are feeling better today, Krystal. Did you ask to get your levels checked sooner? Do you know what your heart rate was before you had Graves’ compared to how it is now? I see a cardiologist and (years ago) had to take a beta blocker to control irregular heart beats, I was concerned cause my heart rate was already on the low side and the beta blockers made it even lower. This was before I started running, and my resting HR was about 52, I would take my pulse and freak and start jumping up and down to make it go faster
” title=”Smile” />. The cardiologist told me not to worry about it. After I started running, I have counted mine as low as 44. Now I panic cause it’s in the 70’s. Ask your doctor so you won’t worry.
I have suffered from anxiety for many years and wonder if this thyroid thing could have been the problem all along. They told me about 5 years ago that I had antibodies, I was told all along it would be Hashi’s, but now I have looked at those test results and it was my TG that was elevated back then and it would be elevated with either disease. I’m kind of mad that all this time I was waiting to go hypo and never expecting hyper- if they had told me it could go either way I’d have been more alert for the hyper symptoms. Just goes to show you that doing your own research is not a bad thing.
Sometimes I can feel the hyper really strong- my HR goes way up and I can’t calm down- like I’m having a surge of hormones. To describe it in a sound I feel like "BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ" Does anyone else feel that way? Then there’s times I feel normal and I think that it’s going away on it’s own.
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