Hi. I do have anxiety occasionally, especially before I go to bed at night. I have also been a little panicky at times. My endo and the counselor that I saw for a little bit did not think it was bad enough or happened enough to put me on antidepressants or anti-anxiety medication. It is definitely an uncomfortable feeling when it happens.
When it happens, I try to find out what event or feeling had brought it on. A lot of times I can, fortunately, talk myself out of it. Sometimes I have called relatives or friends just to talk, and that has helped. I also pray to God to help me get through it, and talking with the counselor helped too.
A lot of my anxiety stems from being concerned about what if I do not feel well, and what if no one can help. Also, I am concerned someone else is going to find out about my Graves and how will they react when they do? I try (though it is hard sometimes) to keep myself calm, keep things in perspective, and to remember that I am not alone in this.
You and everyone else in this board are not alone either. Take care and God bless.