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  • sarawebberdurnell
    Post count: 41

    So I am contemplating having a TT and my endo suggested that we could try and suppress the thyroid with methimazole at a high dose and then a synthroid-like medication. She said it tricks the body into thinking the thyroid is gone without the surgery. She said it isn’t talked about much but is done. Has anyone heard of this before and know if it is a viable option? Or should I “old-fashion” it and have the surgery? It strikes me as odd that she is just bringing this up now after 7 months of battling meds and blood levels. She said she would hate it if my thyroid was removed and my symptoms (especially the joint pain), didn’t resolve.

    Thanks in advance for any input!! :)


    Post count: 4294

    Hello – This option is often referred to as Block & Replace. The physician prescribes large doses of Anti-Thyroid Drugs to shut down thyroid production completely, and then adds in replacement hormone to normalize thyroid hormone levels. However, this option is not commonly used in the U.S.. There was a study in Japan done where B&R produced very high remission rates – but unfortunately, these results haven’t been replicated here in the U.S. Also, there is concern that the higher doses of meds may be correlated with a higher rate of side effects, such as liver and white blood cell issues.

    Hope this helps – this is obviously a difficult decision that you and your doctor will want to make together.

    Post count: 41

    Thanks Kimberly. I was concerned about the high dose of methimazole and it’s side effects. I’m not sure I am comfortable with this option, especially since my endo even seemed like it was a last ditch effort to avoid surgery. I really appreciate the information. I’d rather have surgery to take out an organ that I don’t “have” to have, then damage my liver, an organ that I need.


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