Hi all. I’m glad to find this website. Already it is helpful to read other’s stories and know that I’m not alone. It IS my body and not "in my head."
I began with lots of symptons at Christmastime and just got an official diagnosis this week. Looking back, however I’ve had symptoms on and off for several years.
One thing that I haven’t read about that I am experienceing is ear pressure. Actually, I have a lot of pressure in my face/head as well. I was treated for a sinus infection in January, but now the doc says my ears are clear. The nurse at my endo says other patients have said the same thing – but I haven’t seen anything in writing.
My endo says I’ve just got a mild form of GD – just a slightly low TSH. My radioactive scan showed an enlarged thyroid, but no cold spots. Could the enlarged thyroid be causing the pressure? I do feel the "lump" in my throat.
I’m wating for the results of my ultrasound and some additional bloodwork. Currently, I’m on beta blockers and just 2.5 mg of ATD daily.
Thanks for being here for me.
I hope you get all the support that you need here! I certainly have found it to be fantastic, there is so much knowledge and experiences on here that like you say help you understand that you aren’t going crazy!
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m xx
Hi ely2009,
I’ve had Eustachian tubes that close down, leading to the feeling of pressure in the ears and the same kinds of blocking one experiences when changing altitude. I’ve consulted a number of experts, even at Mayo Clinic, who could find no underlying cause for this, but it began sometime after my GD diagnosis in 1996. I have trouble with it off and on. At one point I had tiny titanium tubes surgically inserted, and this helped. They fell out on their own at some point and the problem was better by then, but it has recurred several times, either with my chronic sinus inffections/inflammation or separately.
Since I haven’t found answers for myself, I don’t know how to help you. If you find the solution, please let me know.
Best wishes,
Thanks Dianne.
I’m still trying to figure out what’s GD or if it could be something else. I had an appt. scheduled with an ENT doc, but had to cancel it.
I don’t know whether to just be patient and see if it goes away or if I should reschedule my appt. I’ve only been on my meds about a week. I know it’s really early to see results.
I’m pretty sure it’s not caused in any way directly by hyperthyroidism such that treating it will make a difference, so you should definitely see your ENT. My ENT thought there might be something related to the change in volume inside my head related to the surgeries I’d had for my orbital decompression. Do you have Thyroid Eye Disease?
I do not think I have TED. I have an appoinment scheduled with an opthamologist. The only symptom I have is dry eyes – but they’ve been that way for years – I’ve worn contacts for more than 20 years.
I do have an appt. scheduled with an ENT also, so we’ll see what he says. I origally saw my GP in January beacuse of my ears. So I guess I’m thankful to have caught the GD in it’s early stages, even if it has nothing to do with my ear pressure.
EmilyNot trying to seem silly but were you tested for Strep throat?
Do you have allergies, have you been tested for allergies? Not sure where you live but spring is almost here and trees are blooming and I’m in NJ and I am already with a sinus infection due to the Birch trees that love being in NJ and wreck havoc on me.
If you were tested and came out negative or were positive you might have new allergies or different ones than what you had before. (i didn’t think that could happen but it does and I am so not thrilled about allergies changing lol).Washing your hands often and keeping away from people with colds can help you not get the cold bug that seems to like to settle itself nicely in your sinus’.
Washing your nose with a saline solution can also help(i do this at night time during the middle of spring due to pollen).This is all I can think of for now, and the reason I say this is because I have pressure in my head and I feel like i’m going to explode and my nose and eyes are dying due to this pressure and it’s all about my cold and allergies so that is why I thought to say it to you.
Hugs and tissues
I did go to an opthamoloist and was diagnosed with TED. He said I have dryness (no kidding) and mild retraction. He said he’d see me in a year – does that seem too long to wait for a check-up? I know there’s nothing to do to avoid progression, but 1 year seems like a long time to me.
Also, I have headaches almost constantly. Could that be related to the beta-blocker or methimazole? I guess it could be my ear issue too – I’m still waiting for my ENT appointment.
Thanks for all the great posts on this site – they really help us newbies. This is the most frustrating thing I’ve ever dealt with. i feel like I have NO CONTROL!!!
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