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  • AndreaW
    Post count: 3

    I was medicated with levo/synthroid for 30+ years. I was just recently switched to natural porcine thyroid and it is making a world of difference for me!  All within 1 month.

    Why do our doctors medicate us with the levo crap? Because big pharma own the doctors and teach them in med school! 

    It is sad that they continue to ruin OUR lives because eventually their crap make us sick with other diseases. Guess what? Other diseases equates to more prescription medications! A win win for big pharma. 

    I believe big pharma donates funds to this group too so they’re not being entirely honest here either. People, do not believe everything you read. Big pharma wants to keep us all slightly sick so they can earn profit. The older we get the sicker we get on SINcrap!

    It is time for a revolution back to the old standards of natural thyroid products. The naturals are regulated by pharmacy standards so don’t let any doctor convince you otherwise.

    I hope Kimberly that you will begin to encourage people to get off the bad drugs!

    Post count: 4294

    I have started a new “sticky” thread for the discussion of T3/T4 combination therapy, which will remain at the top of the forum for people to post their experiences. Please note the guidelines below.

    This thread is for patients to share their *personal experiences* with T4-only therapy and T3/T4 combination therapy. Please note that telling another patient which medication they *should* be on is considered giving medical advice. This is a direct violation of the guidelines for this forum, which every participant on this forum reviewed and accepted prior to making their first post. Violators may be subject to moderation, suspension, or removal.

    The GDATF’s staff and the members of our Board of Directors are committed to providing credible, evidence-based information. We follow with interest all research related to T3/T4 combination therapy, in particular, the emerging theory that patients with a specific genetic type might be predisposed to doing better on combination therapy.

    In the last five years that I have been here, the GDATF has received not one cent from any pharma company that manufactures thyroid hormone replacement products. The Foundation actually has recently submitted a grant application to one pharma company for funding that would allow us to produce a special patient newsletter. Before the application was submitted, the issue was reviewed by our Board of Directors, who determined that funding could only be accepted if the Pharma company would have ZERO influence over the content of the newsletter.

    I hope to see a lively discussion here, but please be sure that all posts adhere to the GDATF’s guidelines, which you can find in the “announcements” section at the top of the forum.

    Post count: 1909

    My understand is that it works now and then for some people more favorably, but it is a complex topic, and does need the sticky that Kimberly is initiating.

    Andrea. By you own statement, you have been on Synthroid for 30 years. Long time. So another provider suggested something different, which you have taken one month. Fine. See how that works for you. You will most likely need more than a month to reach that conclusion. I wish you well with whatever decisions you make.

    The rest of your post is a problem for you having written it, and a testimony to incorrect information, which belongs to you, which is anecdotal, and not supported by evidenced based studies.

    Big pharma is not influencing this wonderful forum. The rest of your post is rather inflammatory and not helpful to anyone.

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