So, Monday has come and gone and along with it, so has my thyroid. I had my TT early Monday morning without any real complications. The procedure took one hour less than expected and the surgeon said it went beautifully. My incision looks pretty darn good for only being 3 days post op. I only have to keep bacitracin on it, but am allowed to shower and don’t have to keep it covered. I was able to talk to the nurses in post op recovery and other than being a bit raspy when I talk too much, my voice is fine.
A few hitches while in the hospital…my calcium level dropped and I had to stay one extra overnight. But it went back up pretty easy with just using tums. I had a reaction to the percocet and oxycontin, not a major one, but a sunburny like, itchy rash on my chest and upper arms. It went away pretty easily and they sent me home with vicoden, which isn’t bothering me at all.
I was able to eat a regular diet the night of surgery and though I was a “fall risk” because of my dizziness and nausea (probably due to the anesthesia and pain meds), I was able to be up and around right away.
I was released yesterday evening and started my synthroid on Tuesday. All other meds were stopped (yay!!). I do get tired from being up and around, which I know is perfectly normal, but other than that, very little pain or uncomfortableness.
As I was being released the NP told me my pathology report had come back, a non-cancerous goiter. I had no idea that I had a goiter, as it hadn’t shown up on any previous tests.
I am so glad I had my TT. The timing was right and I can truly say I feel better than I have in a long time. The rash on my face has already started clearing up
I see my surgeon in one week for follow up and my endo in early April to check my blood work.
Thanks to everyone for their support. I will keep you all updated as things progress. I know we may have to play around for the “sweet spot” of synthroid for awhile, but it won’t even compare to playing the med game we did before.
This was certainly the right decision for me
Hurray! Welcome to the TT Club.
SueAwesome news Sara!
Take it easy this week. (Advice I couldn’t follow post op. lol!) Feeling better makes you want to do a lot but give yourself time to recover physically and the surgery will continue to pay off even more.
I am so happy you made it through with few complications. Keep us posted!
Thanks everyone
Woke up today and have really sore neck and shoulder muscles, guessing it’s from the position they had me laying in on Monday for 2 1/2 hours. My neck is a little tight feeling around the incision, but everything appears to be looking good.
I got up and did a load of dishes and started some laundry, which may be the most I do accomplish today. We’ll see… If I take it in spurts and be sure to rest in between, I may get more done
I have a hard time sitting around, especially since I am feeling so good. I just have to keep reminding myself to slow down.
So far, setting my alarm an hour earlier in the morning and rolling over to take my synthroid, then going back to bed, seems to be working well.
I’ll update as things progress and if anyone has any questions, please feel free to ask
Happy Valentine’s Day all!!
@Sara – So glad that all went well!
AzGravesGuy wrote:Awesome news Sara!Take it easy this week. (Advice I couldn’t follow post op. lol!) Feeling better makes you want to do a lot but give yourself time to recover physically and the surgery will continue to pay off even more. Rob
This is really important advice – I suspect that most of us Graves’ folks are extreme Type A personalities.
We hear from a lot of people who try to do “too much too soon” and end up really exhausting themselves.
So, I am week post op now and other than a minor mishap on Saturday requiring an ER visit, I am feeling really well. I was having strange bouts of nausea/hot flashes/dizziness that lasted about 45 min to an hour and my dr wanted to make sure my blood work was ok, so I went to the ER. Everything looked good and I was told, for lack of a better way to say it, my body was adjusting to not having my thyroid and getting used to the medication. I see my surgeon for follow up tomorrow and am going to head back to work probably Wed or Thurs. I am tired and somewhat weak, but feel so much better than before.
The rash on my face is completely gone, the muscle weakness is gone, the joint pain is gone, and the last 2 nights I have slept completely through the night!! My incision looks fantastic and I have been told that I probably won’t even be able to see the scar in a month or so.
This is certainly the best move I could have made. I know it will take some time to find the right dose of synthroid, but dealing with those symptoms seem so minimal compared to before. I am not scheduled to see my endo until early April to check my levels and possibly adjust my meds. Until then…
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