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  • sharona219
    Post count: 6

    Someone with more info will give ya the heads up, but just to let you know – you are not crazy. It’s the chemicals in your body. You are still the upbeat, outgoing gal you always have been. It’s just that you body is trying to have a mind of it’s own. I hope the meds will help with some of the ups and downs and get you kinda regular. This forum does help.

    Post count: 35

    Yes, these emotions are most likely all related to the GD.

    hang in there.

    Many here had that feeling of living two lives. I went into hiding so that I wouldn’t be a professional embarrassment to myself or future career.
    I am now getting better and hoping to be as involved as before I got this disease.

    There is a light at the end of the tunnel and You can be "normal" again. I am still recovering (only been 4 weeks since I had the radiation pill) and I am feel great most days which is a flip to my hyper days. I get tired, but man that is nothing compared to what I was going through before (I had tremors, panic attacks, heart palpitations and severe irritable moments/days).

    Keep researching. I never did the thyroid meds and am happy with my route (radiation pill) but do what you feel is best for you. I might have to go on some med for hyper if the radiation didn’t completely kill off my thyroid (just learned yesterday) but all of it STILL beats the hyper symptoms of feeling stressed out, tired, anxious, high BP, palpitations etc…
    Hope this helps.

    Post count: 1324

    Hi, and welcome to our board.

    Thyroid hormone is used throughout the body. So our brain chemistry gets messed up along with the rest of our systems.

    Fatigue is a very common symptom of being hyperthyroid. Most folks assume that if we have too much thyroid hormone, we will have lots and lots of energy because everything is running faster…. No. Precisely because every cell system is being asked to work too hard, we are, typically, tired. And we don’t sleep well — our thoughts rev during the night, and we wake up, temporarily energized, perhaps, only to wind down again quickly.

    It is also very common to go from zero to maniac in ten seconds or less. Moods are very volatile typically, and we have to learn to distrust our emotions until our thyroid levels get back under control. I remember bursting into angry tears over a computer game I was playing with my son. So stupid. Fortunately, I had enough presence of mind to tell him that nothing was his fault, I was just having a rough day with thyroid problems. Also, fortunately, he was old enough to understand.

    More than likely, the "daily medicine" that was offered is something we call an antithyroid drug (ATD) on this board. There are two different pills possible. One is called methimazole (or brand name Tapazole) and the other is PTU — shorthand for an unspellable, long chemical name. What either of these pills would do is provide a chemical block to the production of thyroid hormone. The goal is to take just enough medication to block just enough thyroid hormone production so that you become euthroid (normal thyroid hormone levels) again.

    There are other treatment options suggested sometimes. The good thing about going on the ATD is that it can give you time, and space, to find out about the disease, the other treatment options, and what you can reasonably expect from them.

    Whatever you do, start the medication. Do not put it off while you do more research. Do your research while on the meds. People who are hyperthyroid risk serious complications if they do not regain controlled normal levels of hormone.

    I hope you are feeling much better soon.

    Post count: 2

    Thank you for all your replies. It’s so nice to know I’m not in this alone. I’ve been doing tons of research, and I have come to the conclusion that this disease is so complex. It’s hard to explain to my husband and friends exactly what it is, and it kind of frustrates me that all they seem to care about is that I will be ok. I mean, I’m glad that I’ll be ok,too But I can’t get over the initial shock that I have this rare disease, and I certainly don’t feel ok, just yet.

    My Doctor failed to mention that I have options when it comes to treatment. In fact, when he mentioned the word pill, I asked about the RAI and he said, "No, a daily pill." I will definitely be doing more researches on the treatment best for me, but I’m not quite sure how to determine that. I’m really excited to start treatment though!

    Thanks again for all your kind words. I really needed to feel like someone understand what I’m going through!! If you have any suggestions on pro’s and con’s of treatments, please feel free to advise me. Thanks!


    Post count: 2

    I am 29/F diagnosed with graves Disease, just today. I had not been for a physical in 8 years, until this past summer. I’m always exhausted- mind and body, and my mood swings are horrific. As a mother of two, and a foster child, I blamed these symptoms on everyday stress, but I knew it was more than that, so I finally went to the Doctor. I was convinced I was bi-polar, always having extreme highs and lows and suffering from depression that I hid so well, even from my own husband. Some days I hate myself so much for feeling so weak. I cry a lot when nobody was around. I have become my own worst enemy. Those who knows me would describe me as a strong, independent, upbeat, social butterfly, but little do they know- I’m an emotional mess most of the time, but have too much pride to share this with ANYONE. I feel like I’m living two lives.

    My blood results from my physical were abnormal, so they sent me to the Endo. He monitored me for about 6 months and then sent me these past two days for a thyroid scan and uptake test. I was just there for the second part this morning, and my Dr. called me by lunch with the results that I have GD. He told me that I’ll be ok, even though I have no idea how long I have had this, and I have read that it can be deadly untreated. Other than emotional stress, I have no other symptoms. I guess what I would like to know is if these emotional symptoms are linked with Hyperthyroid or am I really crazy? My Dr. recommended a daily medicine. Will this alleviate some of the emotional symptoms?

    Thanks in advance!

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