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  • Kimberly
    Post count: 4294
    Mcweis wrote: Where can I find an endo that really knows all about Graves???? Sometimes I feel like I know more than they do!!!!!!

    Hello – Welcome to the boards! We don’t recommend specific docs on this site, but you can search for docs on or (American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists). On the AACE site, you can specifically request a doctor who specializes in thyroid disorders. Since many endos primarily see diabetes patients, these sites can help connect you with a doctor who is more familiar with thyroid issues.

    Also, a quick note on hypERthyroidism and replacement hormone. One issue with taking too much thyroid hormone and keeping the body in the hypER range is an increased risk of bone loss and development of osteoporosis. It would be good to have a discussion with your doctor on this issue.

    Best of luck!

    Post count: 1909

    Another issue to consider while being maintained in a slightly hyper state is an increased chance of cardiac complications. This increases with age, but it does not mean that you have to be OLD. Another topic to discuss with your doc.

    Post count: 12

    Just what kind could I experience or look for?
    Just more to add to the list, jeez learning about the disease is adding stress!

    Thanks for all of the insights they have helped…Dave

    snelsen wrote:Another issue to consider while being maintained in a slightly hyper state is an increased chance of cardiac complications. This increases with age, but it does not mean that you have to be OLD. Another topic to discuss with your doc.
    Post count: 4294
    ddetrolio wrote:Just what kind could I experience or look for?

    Hi Dave – In general, uncontrolled hypERthyroidism can cause abnormal heart rhythms, high blood pressure, chest pain, and ultimately, heart failure. While I don’t have any specific information on whether a *slightly* hypERthyroid state can cause these issues, this would be a good topic to bring up with your doctor.

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