For years, I have experienced flu-like symptoms monthly, before my period. Anyone else? Seems to be getting worse each time with low grade fever, sore throat with spots, upper resp. infection, fatigue, joint pain,…Lasts about 2 wks, then back again, in just 2-3 more.
Have you asked your doctor about it and had a physical/ pap smear? I’d check it out. Are you on methimazole or PTU? Sounds like side effects symptoms of liver problems- although it sounds like it comes and goes? I would get a physical, pap smear, and ask for a liver function test if you’re on ATD’s. I hope you feel better soon!
Hello – I agree with Alexis that a physical to try and get to the root cause would be helpful. If your current doc won’t take your symptoms seriously, keep searching until you find a doc who will work with you to help put these puzzle pieces together. You deserve to feel well again — and *not* have to spend half of every month feeling miserable!