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  • sportnut2
    Post count: 11

    My 18YO daughter was diagnosed 2/11 with levels this endo had never seen in his practice.
    Lab Tests Range Date
    (TPO) Ab 0-20 IU/mL 529
    T3 71-180 ng/dL >651
    TSH 0.450-4.500 uIU/mL <0.006
    T4 0.93-1.60 ng/dL >7.77
    Antithyroglobulin, Ab 0-40 IU/mL <20
    Thyroglobulin, Qn 0.5-55.0 ng/mL 179

    Also large goiter. Has been on MMI 40mg, then 20 mg, then 30 mg since then. Added 75 mcg Synthroid. Levels needed to be stabilized for her to finish high school and lacrosse season and before decision surgery or RAI. She is now on 30mg MMI and Synthroid 75 mcg and wants to have surgery to resolve before leaving for college 8/25. I could not figure how to start a new thread on this since we are new, so I am wondering if anyone has experience with recovery times for surgery. Her surgeon, who is a leader in his field, said she would recover in time for starrt of college with a 8/9 surgery date and 8/25 college. Her endo agrees this is enough time. She is also planning to tryout for a soccer team which begins soon after 8/25, probably 8/29. She is an athlete who is in good physical condition and playing competitive soccer right now on this med regimen. Her levels are now stablized enough to do surgery:

    TSH 0.450-4.500 uIU/mL 0.292 as of 7/2/11
    T4 0.93-1.60 ng/dL 1.39 as of 7/2/11

    For those that have had surgery, how soon were you able to return to work, school , exercise? This is her first year at college, so playing soccer is very important to her as it is where she is most able to make new friends.

    p.s. sorry for adding to this thread, but I could not figure out how to start a new one!

    Post count: 4294

    Hello – If you ever need to create a new topic, there is a red "New Topic" button on the left-hand side of your screen, about halfway down. (Just under the green shaded header).

    I interviewed two surgery patients recently. One said she was back to work in 10 days, and other said she was "back to normal" in about 3 weeks. Hopefully, you will get some additional feedback from others here in terms of a return to competitive sports.

    Best of luck — please keep us posted on how your daughter is doing! By the way, she might be interested to know that a recent college grad with Graves’ is about to complete a 3,000-mile bike trip from Anchorage, AK to San Francisco, CA. You can read more about her story at (You will need to use your browser’s "back" button to get back to the bulletin boards after viewing the site.)

    Post count: 11

    Dear Kimberly,
    Thank you so much for the reply! I do plan to have my daughter check out the Greater than Graves bikeathon bc it is importnant to her to remain active. I think I might repost the first message I did under a new topic to try and elicit more info about return to competitive sports. thanks for the advice!

    Post count: 1909

    Hi Suzanne, sportnut 2~I hope you do begin a new thread with your questions about after surgery. And welcome to htis great site! Kimberly gave some great suggestions. If you use the search engine, put in Surgery, you will hear more experiences. Maybe put AFTER SURGERY, ACTIVITY or something like that? I was 21 or 22 (forget!) when I had my thryoidectomy. I really bounced back fast. An understandable slightly sore neck for about 4-5 day. Ate anything I wanted. I was back at work in 2 weeks, not as strenuous as soccer, but a hectic 10 hours in the hospital where all i did was RUN.
    Sounds like you and your daughter have gotten some good guidance in this direction, too, for the timing of her surgery, school beginning, and soccer. I suggest the coach and team know she had recent surgery. People do tend to a bit more tired after surgery, but the procedure is really short! And that is good news.

    Post count: 11

    Dear Shirley,
    Thank you so much for your info! I really appreciate everyone who takes the time to post to this site. It has been REALLY helpful in giving more info that you don’t hear from doctors or other sites. Glad to hear that you had a great outcome!
    Thanks again!
    p.s. I did post it as a new thread and got some other feedback as you adivsed…thanks!

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