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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Hi all,

    I keep seeing questions on alternative methods to help with Graves
    Disease. We had our telecon this weekend and one of our support group
    leaders in Maine is our man in the field who can provide information on
    holistic and alternative medicine “TO BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH WHAT
    Charles Zafonte at 207-834-6273 is the man to ask questions. He uses herbs,
    vitamins, excercise, diet etc. to help control his Graves. He is our
    expert in that area. Charles does not have a computer so e-mail is out.
    We cannot put our home addresses on the internet so snail mail is out.
    If you want to talk to Charles you will have to call him and he will return
    your call collect. He can give you his address over the phone to send him
    mail. It turns out that there are a few folks out there who find our
    addresses and show up on our door steps wanting to come in and talk. We
    at the NGDF want to do all we can to help but we are leary of folks showing
    up on our door steps wanting into our homes. It can get scary. I actually
    had one person who tracked me down to my hotel room when I was out of state
    on business. I am not saying I would not invite any of you into my home
    because I would. I don’t want to come across here as uncaring. These are
    folks who were unknown to us or in some cases to well know to us. But I
    digress. Keep writing and if you are in the Melbourne FL area give me a
    call and I would be most glad to see if we can meet face to face. I’m just
    that kind of guy.


    Post count: 93172

    interested in any type of info ..its for a girl i work with that has just found out this past summer she has Grave’s Disease. she has now been prescribed Leyothyroxine Sodium and asked me to obtain info for her. Please reply to me at my email address ..Thanks and have a GrEaT 1..(-:

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