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  • Stymie
    Post count: 195

    Hi all, just a quick question

    I’m on 100 mcg of Levo, still thinking I’m hypo. Last labs not in yet. I’m not a big drinker. Probably haven’t had so much as a glass of wine in over a month. But was wondering if one glass of wine with dinner is a bad thing? I know that the last time I had a glass of wine after a while I had some palpitations.

    Should we not drink with these meds?

    Thanks so much!!


    Post count: 1909

    Hi, it is my personal experience there is no relationship with replacement hormone and alcohol or any wine. I drink wine any time I want a glass of red wine, which is generally a few times a month with dinner. I have no effects at all of any kind when I have a glass of wine.

    There are other variables to consider regarding the last time you had a the glass of wine with palpitations. One could be if you were hyper at the time.
    Or it could be totally unrelated, which I suspect is the case between wine and replacement.

    To get a quick answer, you can ask a pharmacist your question, if there is any relationship between one glass of wine and thyroid hormone.

    Stymie, good luck with all of this Graves’ stuff. Welcome to the site,and now you have a whole lot of new friends who “get it.”

    Post count: 195

    Thanks so much for your response!! I did have one small glass of wine with dinner the other night, and yes I did get some palpitations. I’m not sure why, but it seems to be the norm lately.

    I got some results from my pcp and I am not hyper nor hypo, on the higher side of normal at 3.35 tsh.

    So now I guess no wine until I can get in to see my endo?

    This whole process is very frustrating….

    Thanks for listening.


    Post count: 4294

    Hi Diane – I find that patients tend to have different personal food triggers when it comes to symptoms. As Shirley suggested, asking your doc or pharmacist would be a good idea…but if you *know* that wine is going to set you off, best to avoid it (or at least try a smaller serving, to see if that helps).

    I’ve heard from other patients that chocolate is a trigger. For me, massive quantities of any type of sugar will get my heart racing, as will a restaurant meal if it’s loaded with MSG.

    Take care!

    Post count: 326

    I’m just barely hypo currently, but even when I was hyper, euthyroid, and hypo, more than one glass of wine ALWAYS made my heart race. I explained this to my doctors and they said, “No, alcohol is a depressant.” Yet I did a 48-hour Holter monitor and noted when I drank and sure enough, it correlated with a resting heart rate around 100-110.

    Before Graves’ I never noticed my heart rate so I have no idea how alcohol affected it. I only drink wine and only occasionally (weekly or bi-weekly) since I’m trying to lose weight but it takes two glasses to make me uncomfortable and three to make me take half of a 10mg propranolol just to settle down.

    Post count: 195

    Thanks for all your responses!!

    I know for the past couple years that wine would affect me like that. I was just diagnosed in August and wonder if I had been slowly going hyper for the last couple years and that’s why I got heart palpitations.

    So I don’t go to see my endo until April and I’m making quite a list of questions to ask.

    I will let you all know what I find out!!

    Thanks !


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