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  • cathycnm
    Post count: 284

    Krnn – I can’t answer your entire question. I did review the research before choosing RAI because my mom died of stomach cancer just 2-3 years after her RAI treatment for Graves. She always blamed the RAI – but the reality is she smoked all her life and had problems with alcohol in her earlier years. I did find one study that said there was a very small increase is stomach cancer incidence the first 3 years after RAI – though most studies found no correlation between stomach cancer and RAI. Given that RAI goes through the gut to be absorbed, it makes sense that the stomach would be more susceptible than the uterus. As someone who has been a gyn practitioner, I have not heard of an association.

    GERD is usually related to a change in tone of the esophageal opening between the stomach and the throat. It is thought that it is the acid and bile from the stomach and intestine that irritates the cells. Again, I personally do not know of any correlation between GERD and RAI.

    It sounds like a real plate-ful to deal with both cancer and GERD. I am glad you have joined the board and hope the support you find here is a positive for you as you deal with all of this. Let us know how you are doing! Cathy

    Post count: 1

    I am new to the board and I’m wondering if anyone is tracking illnesses that show up in people that had RAI in the years following the treatment. I was treated back in 1989 and at that time I was told that RAI was being used as early as the 50’s, so there was data going back that far showing it was relatively safe. I was diagnosed with uterine cancer a few months ago and the thought did cross my mind that somehow it was related. I also have GERD that has required medication daily for the past 10 years. Anyone else?

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