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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    When I saw a “flare-up” about research, I
    thought oh no, conflict here too. Silly me
    this is a BB with human beings afterall.
    Well youguys really showed me how well folks can
    work through something. I really admire
    you and appreciate the love that allowed
    you to work through stuff. I’ve never done
    a BB, s let me know if it’s bad BB manners to
    read a post to a specific person/s

    I would appreciate prayers. I danced last
    night, something which I absolutely love to
    do and haven’t done for a while. Well this
    morning I feel like a limp noodle and I’m
    going on our church retreat. So, if you
    could just lift up a quick prayer that
    God’s strength will be perfected in my
    weakness I would really apprecite it. I am
    expecting great things from this retreat.
    Our pastor will be teaching on breaking
    down strongholds, like fear, intimidation.
    How coincidental given my fear of the
    intimidation of conflict.

    Thanks you all. I hope the sun brightens
    your day today.


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