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  • ewmb
    Post count: 484

    I’ve had the same thing happen to me too. I asked my gynecologist about it as I am in perimenopause and he said that having all these hormone changes is hard on your skin too sometimes. I would think that some of it was from Graves since that changes so many things in your body too. I hope it will change again soon. I am now "normal" in labs four weeks out from RAI. I feel a lot better and am slowing making my way toward feeling normal too.


    Post count: 42

    Do you think that Grave’s affects your hormones enough to cause acne? I’m 34 and haven’t had acne on the top of my back since my teenage years but have constantly had some in the past year since I first developed symptoms but I don’t see it listed anywhere and was curious of everyone’s thoughts…

    Post count: 484

    Oh the acne on my face is horrible!!! I am in remission two years now so I doubt it is due to Graves’. BUT I’m 34 and since I turned 34 last September the acne is just killin’ me!!! I hate it. I feel like a kid. WHY oh WHY couldn’t get I get bigger boobs again….NOOOoooooooooooooo I had to get the teen acne back ! ROFL!

    To be honest I have no clue why I have acne, dr. says the body changes at different ages and this is a time for me. I was not amused at all by this but since there isn’t anything I can do I am back to the old tricks of being a teen. No junk food and keep pores clean, hypoallergenic stuff and just to let you know Aquafore and vasaline is something that doesn’t clog your pores. So if you wash your face at night and want something cheap to moisturize your face use Aquafore or Vasaline.

    What ever happened to getting older was going to be so much more fun than being a teen that had to listen to everyone ! LOL

    Post count: 42

    I’ve noticed acne and blackheads, thinning skin (loss of collagen), and fungal problems. My doctor says ANYTHING can happen with G.D. My two older sisters look 10 years younger than me. The only good thing is that I’m skinnier than either of them! Of course, this is due to G.D., but it still counts for me! LOL :mrgreen:
    Take your victories where you can get them, I say. Seriously, you need to treat your skin as if it’s very sensitive. Get hypoallergenic everything, body wash, shampoo, etc…That should help a little.

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