went to bed feeling achy in the back of my neck, and woke up the same. No other symptoms. Am I headed for agranulocytosis or some other weird side effect or should I just assume it’s the cold my family has? I know you all arent doctors, but is this how agranulocytosis starts, with a general body ache? Im still going through my day fine but feel “off”. I am going to have to get counseling if I keep researching side effects!! ugh!! this is why I hate taking meds!!!
Agranulocytosis is extremely rare. Not that that helps completely, I know. I hope you are feeling better soon.
Hello – as Bobbi said, agranulocytosis is very rare. The most common signs are fever with sore throat. If you continue to feel worse, though, a consult with your general practitioner might give you some peace of mind.
Super Very rare.
It’s good to remember that this is the “time of year” to get sniffles, snuffles and flu. There is a very cool map by CDC of the US, showing the pattern of this year’s flu. YOu can look up your state, she how it is moving along. Generally, has hit the east coast and south hard, not so much on the west coast.
And, as Bobbi says, if you get worse, see your primary care doc, give a good history of how you feel and your meds.
I just want to let you know I hear you there on worrying about aches, pains, and anything else that comes my way! I’ve tried to be better about it, but especially when my thyroid hormones were whacked out, I was convinced any bad or sick feeling I had was some terrible illness. I even pushed my doctor to get a CT scan of my brain bc I had light headedness, woozy, off feeling for a good 4 months post thyroidectomy and the entire 8 months I dealt with being hyper or being on ATD’s. I was convinced there could be something seriously wrong! Turns out there wasn’t. I agree with what everyone else has said. Maybe give it a week or 2 and then go to the doctor if you’re not better or sooner if you get worse. It’s most likely a cold or flu though. Hang in there. -
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