RAI stands for RadioActive Iodine (I131). It designates one of the treatments for Graves. Since iodine is only used in the human body in the thyroid gland, taking a measured dose of I131 is taken up by thyroid cells, and only thyroid cells, and then procedes to destroy them. It is a way of removing thyroid cells and eliminating hyperthyroidism.
ATD stands for Anti Thyroid Drug. There are two basic drugs in the US — PTU (which is a shorthand form for propylthiouricil) and Tapazole (whose generic name is methimazole). In European countries the latter goes by the name carbamazole.
These drugs act as a chemical barrier to the production of thyroid hormone. If the drug is taken in the proper amount, they can interfere with just enough production of thyroid hormone to keep us in the normal zone.
TSH — Thyroid Stimulating Hormone. This hormone is produced by the pituitary gland, which acts as a regulator for thyroid hormone production. When the pituitary senses too much thyroid hormone it lowers the production of TSH. When it detects too little, it increases its production of TSH. By looking at TSH levels our doctors are given guidance as to how effective the treatments are working.
T4 — thyroxine. A form of thyroid hormone
T3 – triiodithyronin (sp??) — another, and more potent form of thyroid hormone. T4 is converted into T3 in various places in the body (especially the liver). Cells in all parts of the body use T3 as a catalyst for their metabolic activities.
There may be some others I haven’t thought of here. If so, just ask. I hope this helps.