I’ve noticed that warning too.
I’m sure your sore throat will pass, as mine did, without incident. ALthough I know mine added some anxiety to my life.
Hot peppermint tea with honey helped me.Hope you feel better,
EmilyHi all,
I meant to add this thread a while back, however it has taken me to get a sore throat for me to remember (yes Emily I am trying not to think that my WBC has lowered again with meds
Anyway around 2 years ago I had a sore throat and I purchased antiseptic losengers from the chemist. Anyway I took one and 20 mins later I had a really bad bout of tachycardia – I said to my hubby there must have been something in the losengers – too which he thought i was being crazy< Anyway I read the back of the box and it said : not to be taken by patients with metabolic disorders"
There are a few medicines which also contain this warning I have been told by the local pharmacist and advised me to always ask at the counter to be sure.
Just thought I would pass it on
ooh that reminds me of the time I used a supposed natural lip balm. I immediatly had an allergic reaction my throat started to close up on me..I"d never experienced it before. The pharmacist I went to looked at me strange when I told him what had just happened.. I was lucky enough to be driving right by his store. He looked at the lip balm and was startled, he said it should have a warning on it..seems some of the ingrediants can cause similar effects when mixed as a cold medicine can. And if you read most medicines also say do not take if you have thyroid disease’ HMM maybe they should label food too… So yes becareful what you use, eat, drink, take. Oh I also without thought.. cause well sometimes its so hard to drink whats good for you. I had a Rockstar, I don’t drink much, if ever.. and I hardly drink coffee, and tea… I love hotchocolate and I love mochas. All of which are not good if you have GD. So I had a rockstar and an hour later the waitress drops another one down on my table.. what the heck.. I look around and some guys is raising his glass. Man you’d think the waitress would know not to serve two of those…. you would think I would’t drink it…. I guess because of having a thyroid condition it rocked my world harder than if I hadn’t..my crash came 42.5 hours after drinking those drinks. I was up the entire 42.5 hours straight.. my body was all doing the herkcy jercky and my heart was racing a mile aminute.
You must be so aware of everything you consume that it can be tiring. so be careful what you do take. Read all labels. Even food and lip balm. Oh and mascara can really irratate your eyes , well eye makeup in general can.This is such excellent information that I needed to know. Thanks so much for sharing it. I feel I have so much to learn about what is going on with me, it is discouraging. I have only had my diagnosis for a week and a half, and feel like I’ve been hit with a truck physically, and emotionally from trying to learn how to best take care of myself. I miss my old self before I got sick.
Hi Sarah,
Welcome – you have come to right place they are a great bunch
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It is very daunting to just be diagnosed – we have all been there and its no easy task. I miss my old self too. I was so active and energetic and now well lets just not say too much
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Don’t be afraid to post as I have found that there is always someone on here who has the answer or been in a similar situation.
In the meantime take care and be gentle with yourself.M x
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