I was diagnosed with Graves when I was 17, Im 20 now, I’ve already been through block and replace and went into remission for about 6 months but it didnt take.
I had RAI 8 weeks ago now, I’ve been back to the hospital and had blood tests that have said they my levels were in the normal range. This just doesn’t add up for me, I don’t understand how I can be considered as ‘normal’ but feel so bad in myself.
Im kind of struggling on what to say to be honest, I’ve had physical problems with the graves since the beginning, sickness, exhaustion etc. but lately I feel like Im losing it, Im so unhappy, I can’t stop crying, I feel low all the time, and everything that used to make me happy just doesnt anymore, I cant get excited about anything
I feel trapped in my own body and Im pushing the people I love away because they just don’t seem to understand. My entire personality has just changed, Im miserable and Im not even sure why.
DOes anyone else feel like this?
Hi Caitlin,
Your experience is common to many of us here, we empathize, believe me! I can give you some hope — you WILL feel better, I know it. The problem with thyroid disease is that it causes harm while your levels are abnormal, and that damage does not even begin to be fixed until your levels are normal, and stable, so we experience symptoms even after our levels are normal. If you’ve had continuing issues with thyroid imbalance since your diagnosis, then you have only now reached a point where your body can BEGIN to heal from the effects of that. You ought to notice some small improvements steadily at this point, so take heart, but remember that you are still healing, your body has been through a lot, and it’s going to take some time until you feel more well than ill.
We’ll be here for you, we’ve all gone through it! I know what you mean about feeling as though you’re pushing people away — it is extremely difficult to be unwell for a long period of time, and other people just don’t always know how it happens or why you can’t just "find the pill" that makes you better in a few weeks, like everything they’ve ever had.
While you’re still healing, please be kind to yourself. Learn your limits and stay within them, and you’ll be able to heal more quickly. Take some care in healing your spirit as well, whatever that means for you. To some people it’s a walk in the woods or at the beach, to others it’s laughing with friends, to others it’s a nice, warm bath. Take advantage of whatever soothes your soul and you’ll feel better too.
Let us know how it’s going!
Thanks Ski,
I think its just that everything is starting to feel overwhelming, with the problems Im having with this and moving back to university for my final year, everything just seems to be getting on top of me and Im struggling to cope with it now.
After being diagnosed with graves 3 years ago I feel like Im no closer to getting better, and its so infuriating that my blood tests come back ‘normal’ everytime, because of this I feel like my doctors assume Im ok, even though everytime I go and see them I tell them Im not and that the way Im feeling is not ‘normal’ in the slightest. Just wish I could see a light at the end of the tunnel because right now I feel so trapped. Im just so grateful for this website, because none of my friends understand what is going on with me, because they cant see my illness they dont realise how severely its affecting me physically and emotionally.
I’ll stop ranting now, it just felt kind of good to get these feelings off my chest
I sure sounds like you have a lot going on in your life with school and living life!!! and being ill:( And please remember that you are ill Are you taking time out to pamper yourself? something to try to reduce stress in your life? How is your breathing? And always feel free to talk here! You are not alone on this journey.
My RAI was on May 6th and the biggest help that i have found is to take time out for myself everyday i can. meditate, do some yoga or Qi-gong, exercise, sit in the forest or by the river, get some sunshine!!! or whatever may help you. This really helps reduce the stress and overwhelmed feelings in my life that GD has caused, and i always feel better.
What are you studying?Best Wishes
MiltonHi Milton,
Im studying Advertising (didn’t really pick the best career choice to reduce stress haha). You’re right, I do need to do something to reduce the stress, it’s a bit daunting at the moment though, first day back at university today and my tutor immediatly gave us a speech saying ‘you’ll have so much work to do this year you’re not going to have time to sleep’
I’m sure I’ll manage though, just have to get myself organised and come up with a system to try and balance everything.Thanks for your advice, I hope everything has been going well for you since your RAI
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I’m not sure anything is really all that stress free when it comes to a career, especially these days, but i was thinking that maybe your school could help you out a little with everything. it has been a few years since i was in college, but if you let them know of what you are going thru medically, maybe they can or your teacher/s will offer to work with you with the whole school schedule thing or offer extra time to help you out.
i am doing well today, thanks for your concern!and this does get better.Good luck and keep talking! don’t hold this inside
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