I have appreciated reading so many helpful posts this evening, especially from the AZGravesGuy thread! Wow!
I have some questions for you kind folks.
1. My testing was brought on by a rash that was super itchy and moved around my body. Did anyone else have this? I haven’t seen too much about rashes as I’ve read about Graves.
2. If you think that the birth of a baby was part of the onset of your Graves, what treatment option did you go with and why?
I was sure I was going to do the RAI but after reading a lot on this site, I am thinking more about TT.
3. Any feedback from people who were caring for little ones and had the TT surgery? I am worried about being away from my baby if I do the RAI!
4. Does anyone know if you can have the TT if you are breastfeeding?
5. Is there any info about fertility after RAI vs. after TT?
Here are some of my numbers, if that helps people!
TSI Index: 4.3
TSH: 0.06
Free T4: 1.05
Total T4: 7.5I have felt very rage-y at times, especially towards my husband. I have all the kindness in the world for my baby, friends, and family… but he is getting the tired me at night when I am totally spent. It’s hard!
Thanks for the help, and good luck to you all!!
Hello and welcome! Hopefully, others will chime in here with their experiences, but a few comments…
1. Yes, hyperthyroidism *can* cause hives. Ironically, hives can also be a side effect of antithyroid medications, but if you had the rash before your diagnosis, you can rule that out! If you ever have a rash specifically on the shin that has a texture like an orange peel, that is a specific complication of Graves’ called pretibial myxedema and warrants a visit to an experienced dermatologist.
4. My understanding is that you can keep breastfeeding with TT, but *not* with RAI.
5. We have members here who have had successful pregnancies after both RAI and TT. However, there is a 6-12 month waiting period for conceiving after RAI. Also, be aware that antibodies can spike after RAI and can potentially be passed on to the fetus. This is a rare complication, but something that you should be aware of. Medical guidance recommends antibody testing for ALL women with a past history of Graves’ at around the 20-24 week mark, with a referral to a maternal-fetal specialist recommended if antibody levels are extremely high.
To NewMom
1. No
2. I did get Graves when baby a few months old. No brainer for me, I wanted the TT. Wanted it DONE, and did not want to stop breast feeding.
3. Pretty much asked and answered. I wanted TT. Either my mom, my husband for a friend brought the baby to me int he hospital so I could continue to feed him myself. Pumped a few bottles before the surgery.
4. Absolutely yes. (But not RAI)
5. Doubt if there are any evidence based studies. Seems fairly irrelevant. Kimberly might know.
I did have two more children after 1st baby and TT, no issues, no problems.
6. Lucky friends! I was full of rage and hostility and impatience for EVERYONE! OF COURSE, husband around when the other people weren’t, i.e. at night. It is hell to be toxic and hyper. I would not wish it on anyone.
7. I don’t really my numbers anymore. Off the wall. I was sooooooo toxic (Graves hyper is also called toxic, or thyrotoxicosis. Whatever the name, it totally is awful in every way.
I take Synthroid now, after (at time I had it) partial thyroidectomy. But essentially the same, for the very small amount of thyroid tissue left burned out years and years ago.Hope this is a bit helpful. I loved breastfeeding, and I love other people to do the laundry for me and clean the kitchen!
Shirley -
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