Hi Guys, I’ve been trying to be so patient with this GD junk. I have been gradual on my L-Thyroxine as 75mcg first made me feel hyper when I started it about 3 months ago. Well my Dr. uped my meds to 100mcg and I feel like I’m totally hyper again. I was within correct level of Free T4, but my TSH was 5.60. After 6 months RAI and I still have such a horrible time with this adjusting stuff. I got a blood test yesterday cuzz my hair was coming out in my hands in the shower the other day.I’m sweaty, nervous, short fuse, hot, can’t sleep without Xanax, heart rate up. But of course it’s a total run around getting my lab results because Dr. needs to sign off on them first, which can take forever. They just tell me, give it 3 months. Well they aren’t living in this body everyday that feels like a roller coaster ride.I’m so tired of this, it’s my body, I should have access to my labs if I want them. But they absolutely refuse. What crap. I can’t continue to take the 100mcg. I’m cutting it back to about 88mcg, which I wanted in the first place, and endo gave me 100, but still advises me to take the beta blocker if I’m bothered. When will they listen to us. I’m so frustrated, these doctors don’t listen.
Tell me Ski, Kimberly or Bobbi, is it possible my thyroid started producing again and with the L-Thyroxine it’s too much. The doctors force you to be your own advocate, because they act like they could care less what your going thru.
Hi there,
I know it’s tough ~ the fact is, though, that the doctor has a point, unfortunately. Believe it or not, six months after RAI is still kind of early in the process. Sounds like you’ve measured hypo and begun replacement hormone, and that CAN be a long adjustment/healing process, because there are several things going on in your body. First, you’ve been under constant assault of hyperthyroidism (prior to the RAI, and probably even for a time after RAI). Second, you’ve had a RADICAL drop in thyroid hormone levels (from above normal to below normal), and the thyroid MAY not actually be finished working to some degree. Third, you’re beginning to take replacement hormone. All of these things have had different effects on your body, and in addition to ALL of that, as your thyroid hormone levels shift (even if they’re moving in the right direction), your body goes into a kind of "shock" and removes resources from the parts of the body it deems "unimportant," like the hair and nails ~ things your body does not need in order to stay alive. So the fact that your hair is coming out a lot is a sign that your thyroid hormone levels are MOVING, but doesn’t indicate that they are not healthy. The fact that you’re feeling a little more hyper after beginning to take an increased dose of hormone replacements is EXTREMELY normal. I know that when I change doses ~ whether it’s an increase or decrease ~ I usually feel like a teeter/totter for a couple of weeks. One day I’ll feel hyper, the next hypo, and after about three weeks I settle into the "true" feeling that seems to ultimately reflect how my body is reacting to the new dose. Unfortunately, it is not a good idea to have blood tests done until you’ve been on a new dose for at least six weeks, because that’s how long it takes your body to fully acclimate and for blood test results to be accurate. For that reason, you may be doing yourself a disservice by adjusting your dose on your own. Now when you have tests run, you don’t really have the correct information on how your body is reacting to the dose you’re taking ~ because it’s been changed during that six week period. That can actually LENGTHEN the time it takes to find the right dose for you.
I KNOW it is hard and it seems as if you’ll just crumble if you have to wait one more minute to feel well, but wanting it isn’t going to make it come any faster, I’m sorry to have to break it to you. Do everything you can to conserve your resources and keep your activities limited to things that FEED your soul and fill your heart ~ drop anything that’s only a drain on you, and do not apologize for that. YOU NEED TO HEAL.
One more thing you should know. Until your levels are normal, and have stabilized, your body will not even begin to heal from the damage caused during your hyperthyroid state. So, reaching normal levels is great, stabilizing them is wonderful, but only then can the healing begin, which is yet another state of "less-than-normal," though it gets better every day. I can promise you there’s an end to this road. I know it’s further away than you’d like. Hang in.
Ok Ski I’m taking the 100 mcg and will try to stick with it. I wish I could just sleep better and the hotness gets to me. I guess I’m just a little worn out and depressed. Thanks for the advice.
I am more than a year out from RAI and am still working on getting things just right. I try to focus on the fact that I am a lot better than I was several years ago and that I should never be able to go back there again! That said, I feel your pain about waiting for things to work. That can be very disheartening when you start to dwell on it. Maybe writing a short list everyday of the things that you can accomplish and what was good about it might help you reflect on the getting well side of things.
Hang in there…….
I am also post RAI 6 months and found out yesterday that the endo is reducing Synthroid from .075 to .050 because I am still showing hyper. I can’t get off of the beta blocker (heart still races) so was not surprised by this but am frustrated because I am exhausted and have gained almost 40 lbs. Reading all of the comments/responses on this website has helped me to be more patient that I probably would have been, but it is still tough. My family is also frustrated because I "should be feeling better by now!!" My husband is pretty understanding, but my mom wants me to go to Mayo Clinic because she feels I should not still be hyper at 6 months post RAI so my doctor must not know what he is doing! I know she only wants me to feel better but it doesn’t help me when I have to constantly be defending myself and how I feel to people because they think I should be cured by now. So thanks NGDF for this board. It is so very helpful!!
Hi sbigler – If *you* are comfortable with the direction you are getting from your doctor, then your family needs to mind their own business.
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Perhaps it would help to have them read some of the posts from other patients on this board who have had RAI? Some people have the perception (and unfortunately, some doctors seem to promote this) that when you choose RAI, you pop a pill and everything is immediately "fixed". In reality, it does take quite a bit of trial-and-error to find the "sweet spot" for your replacement hormone that will get your labs in range — and that will get you to feeling well again.
Best of luck – please keep us posted!
Hi Pat, I am responding to jus one thing in your post. I totally support you in being able to know you labs (and have a printed copy) anytime you want, including a nice copy of your TSH and T4 from the past years so you can see the whole picture.
Not sure where you live, but I can look up online (and print) my labs as soon as they are done. At the very least, you should get them any time you want them. That, in my opinion, is messed up! It is your right to have them. I usually know them before the doc, because, actually, I am one person following ME, and I am very interested in Me! I am usually the who reminds him to take a look. BUt he is very good, a great endo, and I am lucky to have him. It took three tries to find him, though!!
ShirleyShirley, you are so fortunate to get your lab results online. I also work part time for a chiropractor and they finally faxed the results to him, but they said they can never fax directly to the patient. I live about 30 miles away from the lab so I can’t just run and get them whenever. I have even tried to give my written permission for them to fax them to me, but no way. It is very frustrating running 30 miles to get bloodwork done and then another 30 miles a day or two later to pick them up. Crazy.
My doctor gives me copies of my lab reports when I leave his office or they mail them to me if I don’t have to see him. You have the right to them. Ask for copies of all reports to be mailed to you. I even have a copy of my thyroid scan/uptake. He’s a very good endo in my opinion. Talk to your doctor to see if they can do that for you!
Here’s the deal. All labs/clinics/hospitals/etc. have Medical Release of Information forms. Look at them like you know all about it, ask for one, then kindly insist on it if there is any resistance. Fill it in, saying in the release section,
To myself, your name and your address. Some of them have many things to check. For the lab, just check (or write in)
"lab results." For your doc’s info, ask for test results, dictated summaries, radiology dictated reports, or whatever is appropriate. You will meet resistance if you do not complete this stuff. I have a pretty good repoire with some people, and they will just do it. All they have do do is click a key on the computer. But the release forms do protect them, and you.
I am so sorry you have to go so far to get a lab draw, that sucks. They can, and legally must, provide that info to you if you sign the release forms. I am not sure about the fax, I have never been able to set mine up so that it works right at home, and haven’t cared much because of my online access. I am such an information freak, I absolutely love it. It is very reassuring to me to have a file from all my docs, and I invariably find mistakes! In the meantime, use your job and you doc’s fax #. Bet he doesn’t care at all! -
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