Hi all
I just wanted to give an update of how things are going. I haven’t felt this good in at least a year!! I feel like myself again, despite some small things. The rash on my face went away right after surgery, but has now reared its ugly head again, though not as bad. Good news is…that’s really it. I am sleeping fantastically at night, have my energy back (since surgery have remodeled my living room and my son’s room), joint paint and muscle weakness are completely gone, racy pulse and palpitations are a thing of the past, and my emotions are like they used to be, not sure that’s normal 
Someone asked me if I had realized that I had felt that bad before surgery. After thinking about it, I told her that I was actually starting to feel crazy and think that I was imagining all my symptoms or making them up. I now realize that I wasn’t crazy. The difference between now and before surgery are like night and day. And I’m sure that my synthroid will need to be adjusted, so whatever symptoms I may be having, will continue to improve even more.
I’m excited to be back at work and excited to have the energy to get this excess weight off.
My incision looks really good. There is some swelling and tenderness above the incision. I haven’t taken any pain medication for almost a week and a half, not even tylenol.
I see my surgeon again in 2 weeks for my first bout of bloodwork post op and will see if we need to adjust my synthroid. I don’t see my endo until early April and I can’t wait to tell her how worth it surgery was, as she was a disbeliever.
Welcome back to life 
I hope AZGravesGuy is doing just as well 