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  • Carito71
    Post count: 333

    Hello everyone.

    I just received my TSH,FT3 and FT4# taken on Frid. Today, 2 wks ago, I started taking Methimazole 10mg 3 times a day.

    I was hoping the #s had decreased but they haven’t. They are the same and the FT4 is even a little bit higher.

    I’m very sad as you can imagine. I’m also still suffering from tachycardia, fatigue, etc. I have been sleeping better and I’m not as hot though but that is about the only positive changes so far. Sleeping better is a good change but I was hoping the #s would be at list a little bit lower.

    Caro :(

    Post count: 491

    I’m sorry Caro. Don’t get discouraged though. I don’t remember how long you’ve been dealing with being hyper, but 2 weeks might not be enough to see a difference for you. It doesn’t mean that things won’t improve at your next labs.

    You mentioned that you’re sleeping better and heat intolerance isn’t as bad; those are good things! Especially sleeping better. I know we want everything to be better right away- me included!!! Believe me. I’m 2 plus weeks out of surgery and although as far as the surgery goes, I feel pretty darn good– I know my Synthroid isn’t quite right and I’m a bit of a symptom mess. I actually think I might be taking too much Synthroid- not sure though. So, even after being treated with something as definitive as surgery, we still deal with the hormones until they get leveled out. It’s frustrating. Try to stay positive- I’m trying too as well. The hardest thing is waiting the next month for the next set of labs and dealing with it all until then. Did your doctor change your dose at all or just want to give it more time. I’m guessing probably just more time since you’re on a pretty high dose already. You probably just have a lot of stored up hormones. When do you go in for your next labs?


    Post count: 333


    I feel so discouraged at times :(

    I’m looking forward to my appt on Mond with the new Endo though :) I’m hoping he can help me feel better.

    You are right. Sleeping is a blessing. I didn’t sleep for a while and I don’t want to experience that again.

    I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism almost a month ago (June 8). I think you had your surgery the same I had my 1st ultrasound.

    I hope you start feeling better and that the Synthroid gets to the levels you need. Are you symptoms like hyper symptoms?

    My Dr. did not do anything about the new labs. He is the old Endo that thinks I should be as good as new after 2 wks of Methimazole. But that is okay, we’ll see what the new Endo says on Mond. I’m on a high dose so if they increase it, it will have to go up to 40mg if not 60 all the way. I don’t want to take too much and get sicker. I read that 40 and above has a greater chance of causing granulocytosis.

    You are right. I probably have a lot of stored hormones. I had been sick before but it had never been diagnosed as a thyroid problem b/c my TSH was in the normal range but I suspect it was thyroid problems all along so maybe it will take longer :/

    Stay positive. I hope you start to feel better soon. Thank you for the encouragement. Happy 4th!

    Post count: 491

    Hi :)

    Yes, it’ll be interesting to see what my numbers look like on the Synthroid. Not exactly hyper symptoms as I am sleeping pretty well, my heart rate is around 69, I’m not hot or have tremors, but sometimes I feel a little razzed or shaky, and some other weird symptoms I had with Graves (hard time breathing- although that isn’t too bad at all right now; numb/ weird sensation in limbs at time- again, comes and goes and chest pain here and there- comes and goes). I emailed my primary about the symptoms, but I’ve had 2 EKG’s since having Graves in the last few months and they were both fine (even at the worst point of being hyper). She also ordered some blood work to check some muscle issues I guess which also help look at the heart- creatine and some others- all normal. I’m guessing my body is just trying to figure out what the heck is going on now :P From hyper nightmare, to methimazole causing liver issues, to surgery 2 weeks ago, and now Synthroid. My body’s probably like, “Enough already!!!” 😮 Give me a break already! Good thing is though that I’m finally on that road to recovery; just takes time and patience to get the dose right and recover- much like you on methimazole- getting the dose right and then recovering. Ah well- we’ll get there! :)

    Happy 4th to you too!


    Post count: 225

    Hang in there Caro, it just takes some time. I noticed with both methimazole and PTU the greatest effectiveness kicked in at three weeks for me. It just takes time…I’m still trying to get to the right dosage myself. I hear you though – I so much just wish I could have my body work in a normal healthy predictable way.

    Alexis, glad to hear you are doing good after the surgery – I hope you get to the ideal Synthroid dose fast!

    Post count: 333

    Thank you for your response catstuart7. I get motivated when I read others tell me that it normally takes time. I’m hopeful that pretty soon my #s will decrease and I’ll start feeling more functional.

    You have taken both Rxs. I hope pretty soon you get to the right dose. Which Rx are you taking? Methimazole or PTU?

    I’m like you … “I so much just wish I could have my body work in a normal healthy predictable way.”

    Happy 4th,

    Post count: 333


    I’m glad your EKGs have been fine. Mine was fine but it said something about possible enlarged right atrial. I’m hoping it corrects itself with the tachycardia treatment. I’ll have to ask the Dr.

    Your body needs a vacation …. Mine does too. I’m glad you are on the road to recovery and I’m hopeful that pretty soon your symptoms will get better. Just having a baby itself I’ve read will take a while before one feels better. So many changes to the body. You have to add all the hyperthyroid/surgery stuff to it.

    Do you work outside the home? I do and it is taking so much out of me that I’m afraid I’ll loose my job.

    I have a question for you, did you Dr. ever say anything about TED? You had your TT but is TED something you need to worry about too? You mentioned muscles and I thought “eyes”.

    I hope you feel a lot better soon. Keep us posted.

    Caro :)

    Post count: 333


    Today I start my 4th week. I want to report that as of Thursday I have started to feel a change. I’m hopeful that the Rx has started to work. I had labs today. We’ll see if there a change.

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