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  • LaurelM
    Post count: 216

    Wow! The PTU has worked fast. My thyroid levels are down in the normal range. We are cutting back on the PTU by about 1/2 and will try to slowly taper off the Atenolol.

    I was hoping that today we would have a clearer picture of which longer term treatment method I am headed toward but my endo said that he wanted me to be at normal levels for 2-3 months before we discuss the options. He said my TSI and my T3 and T4 levels were far enough out of range that they were indications that a 2nd remission was less likely as is the size of my gland. On the other hand, my quick response to the PTU is a good sign. Ability to stay in the normal range on a low dose would also be a good sign but we won’t have that data for another couple of months.

    Overall, I’m feeling much better. Not awesome yet but much better. My strength and my stamina are still significantly reduced. He gave me the green light to start exercising but very gently and slowly. I think I’ll start with walking and some yoga. I’ll see my endo again towards the end of July.

    Take care,


    Post count: 333

    Hello I’m Caro.

    I’m new and just read your post. I’m glad you have good news. How long have you been in treatment?

    I just started 10 days ago. I created a post about my background if you would like to read more.

    I’m on Methimazole though. Is PTU better? I’m also on Propranolol.

    Is good that your TSI is out of range. What was it at the beginning? Did he tell you?

    It sounds like you have a good Endo and is really concern about you getting well.

    Congratulations on the good news.

    Post count: 216

    Hi Caro,

    This is actually my 2nd go around with GD. This time I’ve been in treatment for about a month now. I was first diagnosed after my first baby was born about 7 years ago now. I had about a 6 year remission (normal thyroid levels w/o medication). I was on Methimazole last time and it worked great for a long time until I developed hives. I liked Methimazole vs. the PTU. I’ve had to take the PTU multiple times per day and more of them. The Methimazole was fewer pills and only once per day. The risks of side effects are fewer with Methimazole as well.

    My TSI was between 450 & 500. I didn’t write down the exact # as that wasn’t particularly important to me as his impression of how far out of range it was. The normal range at my lab is less than 130. He said he as seen them upward of 800-900 but those are rare. Last time mine was initally under 200 so it is significantly higher.

    I do feel lucky to have found a great endo. He actually called me twice while on his vacation when first starting treatement so that he could adjust my dose of Atenolol. I haven’t ever felt rushed or pressured. His goal is just to get me into a safe and stable range first and then we will go from there. We do get better. It happened last time and it will happen again – just a little faster would be nice though.


    Post count: 4294

    Hi Laurel – Thanks for the update…your doc sounds like a real winner! We don’t mention doctors by name on this board, but if you’d like to PM me with his information (or send an e-mail to we’d love to contact his office about a listing in our physician registry!

    Post count: 491

    Awesome, Laurel! 😎

    Moving forward on the road to recovery is the best! Yes, a great endo makes a world of difference!


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