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  • bestwife
    Post count: 3

    Hi i’m new here but not to the GD. i was diagnosed with gd 18 years ago but i’m sure i had it all my life. i could list the systoms but it would read like wikapedia. i have tried hyper thyroid meds but the side effects are worse then the symptoms, so i am treated with bata-blockers ( which i take when i feel like it) for years i was on Tenormin/atenolo loved the job it did for me. i should say i am very bad about going to the dr. and getting the blood done 2 times a year it pisses off the endocrine dr. but….. i know what i have is real and mine i don’t like going to them and every time tring to convince them i feel bad, so i just don’t go. now i’m on Metoprolol tartrate 50mg and i hate it, it works for the storms, the racing heart the swelling but i feel it makes me indifferent to life and the cramps are out of control. some things i have noticed over the years are Tea of any kind increase the joint pain. watch the amont of dark greens you eat a serving of broccolli will send me into a thyroid storm so fast. sleeping in the recliner reliefs the morning pain/swelling. for insomnia dont muli-task 2 hours befor laying down. meaning dont text, read, play on computer and watch tv then wonder why you mind is racing settle in to one thing a boring book or a show/movie you have seen and are not interested in, give your self time to settle down. some people say music but for me if increase stress and anxiety. sugery v’s meds in my opinion our country drugs other countries remove all or some of the gland, and if my issue was caused form the thyroid i would jump at surgry. pain for me pot yes controversial but i dont suffer from addiction or worry about my drug alergies or have to covince anyone i need help and i get the relief we so need. stones yes i get kidney stones about 6 a year i drink lemon juice mixed in a glass of water once a week it has stopped them for almost 2 years now woo hoo. SO now you know me my question is why did they take away my tenormin could it be because i develloped high blood pressure?

    Post count: 4294

    Hello – We are just fellow patients here, so we can’t second-guess your doctor’s decision. However, here is a link with some side effects/warnings related to Tenormin/Atenolol (You will need to use your browser’s "back" button to return to the boards after viewing):

    Also, keep in mind that if you are hyperthyroid, Beta Blockers do not cure the hyperthyroidism. They simply mask the symptoms such as rapid heart rate, hand tremors, etc..

    Untreated hypERthyroidism can lead to bone/muscle wasting, heart issues, and a potentially life-threatening condition called thyroid storm. If you are, in fact, hyperthyroid, you really owe it to yourself to seek proper medical treatment and to get follow up testing done on a regular basis.

    Post count: 1909

    Hi. As you know, I think Tenormin and atenelol are the same drug. As you know, they are beta blockers, and the purpose is to decrease high blood pressure by relaxing the vessels. But there is quite a bit for you think about.
    Here a few of them.
    1. Graves’ won’t go away. We have it for our lifetime.
    2. It needs to be treated, and we do need to be seen by a physician, to discuss lab results, how we are feeling.
    3. There are standard, evidence-based (meaning very reliable,controlled studies on how to treat Graves."
    The latest information for this is on the front page of this website. It is a complex disease, and the endocrine system is ver complex as well.
    4. It is dangerous to remain in a hyperthyroid state for a long period of time. Kimberly summarized that nicely.
    5. I am not sure that you are clear on the definition of thyroid storm. Briefly, people who actually have it are in the ICU, and sometimes die. It is related to an excess of thyroid hormone racing around our body, which affected the cardiovascular system so much that the heart rate can be in the 200,s and BP completely out of control.
    6. When you are on a beta blocker of any kind, you should be checking your blood pressure.
    7. Since you have said you cannot take an anti-thyroid drug, talk with you doctor about RAI or surgery.
    8. Despite your disinterest in having consistent medical care, and going to doctors, that is exactly what you should doing, going to a good endocrinologist. But, they are not magicians. They prescribe and advise on what you have told them, combined with the labs, then you need to be consistent and compliant with the drugs, so they can be evaluated to see if they are helping you.
    Again, read what Kimberly said. Graves’ is a real health issue for you if it is untreated. And we DO have it for the rest of our lives.

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    how do i cancle subcription to this sight?

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