Hello and welcome! We are fellow patients here, not docs, but here are a few thoughts…
1. Sometimes patients need a dosage in between those that are commercially offered to keep levels in range. If your levels have been swinging up and down, as your doctor about alternating doses every other day.
2. Double-check that your daily routine in taking your replacement hormone allows for maximum absorption (30-60 minutes before breakfast and 4 hours away from any supplements with iron, soy, or calcium).
3. If you are consistently taking the meds correctly, and your TSH is that high, talk to your primary care doc about checking for digestive issues that can affect absorption, such as celiac or gastritis.
If your current doc isn’t taking your concerns seriously, a second (or third) opinion might be helpful. Check out the “Looking for a Doctor?” thread in the announcements section of the forum for a list of search engines that can help you locate a doctor in your area.
Take care – and keep us posted!