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  • shaylee43
    Post count: 23

    Well like the title says I’m a year post RAI. What a year it has been.For a little background, I’m a 30 year old female I was diagnosed with Graves 3 years ago and was treated with ATD for roughly 2 years, then things just got really out of whack so I was forced to make a decision. I still have no regrets for getting the RAI. I’ve been working on getting the right dose of Synthroid and so far have been successful having to only increase or decrease a little here and there. So far this year I’ve had a bout of pleurisy which my doctor said is quite normal especially if you go hypo and at that time I was really hypo. Fixing my meds and also some time off of work really helped. That’s really the worst that’s happened post RAI.
    Now I have a question for those that are a little further out after RAI; do you guys have any front neck pain ? I sometimes have difficulty swallowing and speaking and then it goes away and comes back, I’m definitely going to address this with my endo but was just curious if anyone has had similar symptoms.

    Also, feel free to PM me with any questions you may have about RAI. Thank you all for being such an awesome group and such a wealth of info.

    Post count: 6

    Hi! Like you, I had RAI but I had it in May 2012 (so I’m a little over a year). I have recently starting getting dull pains in my neck, but nothing that makes swallowing or speaking uncomfortable. But my pains do only last for about 10-20 seconds before going away….

    I’m not sure what it could be, but know that I am experiencing something like that as well! I hope you find some relief for you it soon!

    Post count: 1

    Wow a success story:) I am 37 and just found out that i have Graves in early April and boy, did my life change…i tried methiamzole then had a very bad allergic reaction. Now i am schedule for a RAI (12mci) on Monday! I have to say i am very scared but i have to do something because i am in bad shape with these hyper symptoms! i am reading alot and i am trying to figure out some things to do to help with less side effects like Drinking LOTS of water. is there anything else??? i am really glad you are doing well after your first year!!

    Post count: 4294

    Hello and welcome – hopefully, others who have had RAI will jump in here. One issue to consider is that if you have existing eye issues (swelling, bulging, double vision), definitely talk to your doctor before pursuing RAI, as there is an increased risk of a worsening of eye issues following treatment with RAI. This risk can be alleviated with a course of steroid therapy, but that comes with its own risks and benefits that should be discussed with your doc.

    Also, hopefully, your doc talked to you about radiation safety precautions following the treatment – keeping distance from children, not sharing untensils, etc..

    Wishing you all the best!

    Post count: 3

    Hi, I also fond out that i have Graves at the end of April..I decided to just do the RAI, and I took in June 2nd thus far, the only side affect i had was a really swollen thyroid for about 24 hour’s and every hour after that it shrunk. it is smaller now then it was before I took the RAI. I sipped on water all day, taking a drink every 10 mins or so. I also drank Coffee and Cola. I ate what I wanted.the only food’s i was told not to eat was shell fish.
    was told I could Tylenol if i had any pain, but it wasn’t anything I couldn’t handle. I was given (17mci). Hope this help’s:) I am still new to it..helpfully my heart rate will go back to normal being hipper, it was beating like crazy! not so bad now. hopefully I will be able to go off my bata blocked soon. I go back to my
    Endocrinologist July 3rd to have my blood work done, then we go from there.

    Post count: 1

    I am due for 5Mci RAI on 7 th October.I have been given a list of dos and donts.Can anyone share if they had some major problem after RAI

    Post count: 4294

    Hello and welcome! Hopefully, others here who have had RAI will jump in, but here are a few issues to consider. ALL three treatment options (RAI, medications, surgery) have risks and benefits. You can also read more about the pros and cons of each treatment option in the “Treatment Options” thread in the announcements secion at the top of the forum.

    1. If you have existing eye issues (swelling, bulging, double vision) related to Graves’, there is a risk that RAI will cause a worsening of these symptoms. Taking steroids prior to RAI can reduce this risk down to almost zero – but of course, steroids come with their own potential risks. Definitely discuss this issue with your doctor.

    2. Be aware of the restrictions on pregnancy for 6-12 months following RAI. Also, antibody levels can spike after RAI and can remain elevated for several years. If you become pregnant at any time following RAI, make sure your doctor is aware of the recommended antibody tests to assess the risk of antibodies being passed on to the fetus.

    3. After RAI, make sure your doctor is looking at Free T4 and T3 in determining when to start you on replacement hormone. TSH can remain suppressed for quite some time after treatment, and is not a good benchmark for making decisions regarding replacement hormone. You want to catch hypothyroidism as soon as possible and start treatment with replacement hormone; going too hypo post RAI has been associated with an increased risk of eye complications.

    Wishing you all the best – please keep us posted!

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