UPDATE: Although we did not get our Graves’-specific questions answered, the audio & slides from this webinar will be posted at AARDA.org. The organizers received over 1,500 questions – and they are working on getting answers to ALL of them!
The presenters noted a specific study that looked at co-occuring (“co-morbid”) conditions and COVID-19, so we are going to look that study up and dig into the data. In general, it seems that what we’ve been told before is still holding up – that autoimmune patients *in general* are not a high-risk group, but those who are immunocompromised because of specific treatments (such as higher doses of Prednisone) *do* have a higher risk. For those who *are* immunocompromised, the statistics were stark. According to one study, 40% of immunocompromised patients were hospitalized (24% non-ICU and 16% ICU).
There was also a helpful number & text option provided for people who are feeling overwhelmed: call 1-800-985-5990 (TTY 1-800-846-8517) or text TalkWithUs to 66746.
We’ll keep everyone posted as the answers to the questions get posted!