    Post count: 21

    Hi MeeMee,

    Welcome to the forum! I will admit, that I browsed this forum for several months before I was brave enough to post and join up. A G.D. is scary, but I know that all of the rest of the numbers and treatments are equally as scary.

    A couple things I recently discovered (and am still working on): you have to listen to your body. Before I finally went in for bloodwork to get my Hyperthyroid dx, I had every excuse under the sun for why I always had sore throats, was loosing my hair, was cold all the time and had extreme fatigue. As Karen mentioned, keeping a journal will be really helpful. I am sorry I never put that together with my labs… so many thanks for that gem, Karen.

    Also, keep copies of everything and keep asking questions. Ask them of your GP, your specialists, of all of us on here. Between all of us, we can probably be of some help. This is an interesting journey we are all on together, so if we share, we can all benefit from the wealth of knowledge.

    Finally, and on a personal note, I can relate and have experienced the mood swings that come along with the thyroid conditions. I am one week post total thyroidectomy(TT for short, total removal of the thyroid), and have been an emotional train wreck both before and after surgery. I wouldn’t let my significant other be at my surgery. He wants to classically “fix” everything and help me feel better. Silly guy, he has no idea what to do, and our relationship is quite strained at the moment.

    I am sorry for your recent parting, but know you can find support here. In one way or another, at least one of us can help.

    Take care!