    Post count: 1909

    Hi WWW12,
    From reading the forum, there have been quite a few posters who have mentioned hair loss associated with Graves’. I don’t recall right now if it is more prevalent with hyPO, that may be the case.

    ***I planned to tell you to use the Search box, to read some of them. BUT I CAN’T FIND THE SEARCH BOX! I’ll write to Kimberly about his.

    I also would have reservations about spironolactone. It is a drug with some fairly serious implications. I regard it as a very big gun, and I would want to be carefully watched, with lots of labs, if it were prescribed for me for one of the conditions listed in the reference below. From what I have read, people who are on this drug, should be very carefully monitored with labs.

    Hair loss is also age related and genetic. But all of this does not make it less of a problem for you. I questions what your endo said, because of the numerous posts on the forum. Kimberly can probably provide some better information about this.