Post count: 333
karebear wrote:
Great attitude!
While I am newly diagnosed with graves, I am not new to serious health problems. I swear being positive helps me feel better. I am thankful to be alive.

Hello Karen. Me too.

I’m also new to GD but I have gone through a lot all of my life. At one point I was even told I had Lupus, which after several visits with Rheumatologists I was told I did not. All of my life as far as I can recall, I have had to visit Dr.’s many multiple times a year. Many times with no explanations as to what was wrong with me. It gets old as they say. Not all Dr’s have the art either to help the sick. When I was told I had GD I was so glad it wasn’t cancer and that I could take Rx for it and that if that didn’t work I had other treatment options. I felt crushed for several weeks b/c I felt like once again I was getting the short end of the stick but then I decided to start moving on with what I had each day that made me feel happy (a few moments here and there of feeling better), just like I had before with my other health (immune) problems. I pray constantly to be able to keep a positive attitude. It is not easy when one knows that one can feel sick or even sicker down the road but I tell myself to take one day at a time. It is very hard but a little positive attitude is an option to help us get through the day, right? … at least it is for me and my loved ones. I also give myself a break to realize that there will be moments that the positive attitude might go out the window and giving myself that break helps me continue having a positive attitude, if that makes sense … b/c we should be able to feel down and cry also during the harder times. We are going through something that takes both body and mind to go through it in life. We are our own cheerleaders so many times. I’m glad that I have been able to cope with my other immune problems b/c the experience is helping me with GD. So glad you have found us.

Caro :)