    Post count: 333

    Hello Angelamercy,

    I’m sorry you are still having problems with your eyes. I don’t know much about the prognosis for eye problems when the thyroid is removed but I think, and don’t quote on that, that I read that even though the thyroid is removed that the antibodies that attacked the thyroid and eyes are still in the body and can continue attacking the eyes, skin … Like I said, please don’t quote on that for I don’t remember where I read and I might be wrong. Maybe one of the more experienced people will come in soon and help you with your answers.

    As for cigaret smoke, there is not a single chemical (4,000 of them) in it that will not cause problems to the body. As for eye problems with GD, if I have to guess, it is probably both … smoke and nicotine … plus all the others. But again maybe one of the more experienced people will come in soon and help you with your answers.

    Hope you feel better soon and find the answers and treatment you need to get there.

    Caro :)