    Post count: 333

    M x,

    You are right … we have to accept our disease in order to move on with treatment. It is very hard though. One goes through all the stages of loss. I think it is easier to accept when we are feeling more like ourselves.

    I don’t have Gilbert’s Syndrome but I have Celiac Disease. It is hard coping with that too but I have learned how to live with it. Now I got to learn how to live with GD. I just hope that all these frustrating experiences make me a better person.

    Congratulations on your marathon training. Maybe you can get back to it when you are feeling better?

    You know, I’ve noticed that exercise makes me feel sick. I’ve just now been diagnosed with this problem but all my life when I have tried to start keeping an exercise routine, I start to feel sick. I hadn’t thought about it but I started exercising again in May and I got sick with hyperthyroidism early June. Anyway …. probably not related. As for now, I’ve been told not to exercise until my #s are leveled.

    Hope you feel better soon.

    Caro :)