This is very interesting. 50-60%? So 12-18 months could very likely be less. I wonder if longer than 6 years increases the %s. I’m thinking 50-60% is not much. It seems to be 10% per year on Rx … ???
That is the one thing I dislike about my situation, I’m at a high dose with 30mg/day.
I see, yours was 1/2 of mine and you started to slow down in a few weeks. I’m so hoping my #s are lower next time so that I can move down on the dose. It seems that a lot of people are started at a lower dose than mine I wonder how they go about deciding what dosage to give. I wonder if it just depends on the Dr or are there certain signs/symptoms they are looking for besides TSH, fT3, fT4.
Thank you for all your help. It helps reading other’s experiences. I’m glad things are working good for you. You are already into 5 years, I believe, so I hope pretty soon you enter remission.