    Post count: 93172

    Kendra, You can do what I did and hope to land a good one. I couldn’t get a referral
    and there are no Endos for miles around here. I went to the American Association of
    Clinical Endocrinology Web Site, Look for a list of Endos in
    your area, some have e-mail addresses. I e-mailed the one nearest me with my whole
    nine yards of woe and said I couldn’t wait weeks to be seen. Low and behold, he was
    an angel of mercy and saw me within two days. I found out that it normally takes 2 months to see him
    and that he is a former president of said organization. He also helped co-author their
    guidelines for diagnosis and treatment of hyperthyroidism! God really blessed that endeavor.
    GO FOR IT! You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. If you get someone kind enough
    to reply, then you get an idea of what sort of person it is…. Take care. Glynis