I’d be glad to listen whenever you need someone. I’ve had GD for 44 years
now and believe me when I say life is worth living and these problems can
be managed. One thing that’s happening to you is too much emotion. Your
chemicals and hormones are just being overproduced all over your body and
that’s what is causing these exteme reactions. All of these problems will
stop and life will be normal again once these chemical changes are within
normal ranges. Please get treatment right away. In your case, I would get
hold of your doctor and get the fastest permanent effective treatment –
either surgery or RAI. Don’t wait. There’s no reason to feel like this
when you can be fine. Yes everything does get back to normal.
Some patients tell me they feel like a whole different person.
Good luck. Don’t be paralyzed by indecision. You will have control because
there is effective treatment for this condition.
Keep in touch.