Post count: 93172

Hi, my name is Kate, i was diagnosed with Graves just after my 31st birthday last summer. I felt so sorry for myself at the time, i had just gotten married the winter before, i had been talking about having a baby the end of the year and then bam.

I had the radiation the end of september and have been feeling good ever since. For me, luckiy, it was a little bump in the road and i have not really thought about it much since, other than my follow up visits.

The only effect it had on me was 1) it took about 6 weeks after the treatment for my levels to drop and 2) i had to put off having a baby for a year (which by the way is fine b/c my husband and i decided to buy a house early instaed). I have little bouts of hypo and hyper as they work to regulate my synthroid but b/c i now KNOW what i should feel like i call my doc immediately and he adjusts teh dose. Otehr than that i am exercising whenever i want, i only gained 4 pounds (which i think is from eating everything in sight while i was sick becuase i COULD) and go about my daily business.

It is scary at first, believe me i know, but most of us are fine and i tend to think the younger you are the quicker you bounce back. Just my personal opinion, no idea whether there is medical research to back that one up.

Good luck, email me any time to chat.
