Post count: 93172

My test results from yesterday came back.
The white count is low again -3.4,(2 weeks ago it was 3.0 then I went off the PTU for 6 days and it went to 5.0) Chem 16 is normal, TSH is still <0.3, Free T4 is going up - last week it was 1.75 and today it is 3.33.
I have been on PTU 50 mg 3x/day and beta blocker 20 mg 3x/day for 2 months now.
My Endo doc wanted to go higher in dosage but thinks my low white blood count is side effect of PTU and from today’s test it looks like it may be. I know when i talk with him tomorrow he may suggest another medication or another treatment.
What to do? I will be talking with my endo whom i do trust but wonder if any of you out there have some thoughts on what to do next?
Thank you all for being there.